Miraculous Ladybug Theme Song

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(Adrien's POV)

"Adrien!" Whined Plagg, as he slowly floated over to me. I hesitantly turned around, seeing that Plagg was spinning around in the air. I ran over to him immediately.

"Plagg! W-What are you doing?" I asked, confusion and worry plastered on my face.

He stopped spinning and weakly fell onto the floor. I jumped up in shock.

"A-Adrien" he whispered quietly, before closing his eyes completely. I crouched down so i was closer to him.

"Plagg? PLAGG?!" i yelled, but there was no answer. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! What am i going to do without you Plagg?"

A single tear rolled down my cheek as i lifted my little kwami off of the floor. I pulled him closer to me and let the rest of the tears fall.

"Plagg..." I said in a hoarse voice. "Plagg, please o-open your eyes."

"Adrien!" A serious voiced boomed.

That's when I shot up from, what seemed like, sleeping.

Had it all been a dream?

"Adrien?" The same serious, voice boomed again. The voice was... Nathalie.

I looked around for a couple seconds, trying to regain my clear vision again. In the end i replied. "Yes?"

"Are you feeling ok, Adrien? Your father must know at once if you're feeling slightly unwell."

"No, no im fine!" I blurted out, without thinking. Instantly i regretted it and covered my mouth. Nathalie looked taken back. "I-I'm sorry, Nathalie"

She remained with the same expressionless expressions on her face as to when she walked in. I smiled sheepishly at her, hoping she would, in a nice way, get out of my room. I really needed to check on Plagg, to see if that was just a dream. It had to be. How else could i have magically jumped into bed?

Nathalie finally walked out of my room after asking over and over again if i was feeling ok. I think she does care, but has to keep a formal, serious face in front of my father. As soon as the door closed, i rummaged around in my covers, trying to find the small, lazy kwami, i care so deeply about. I needed to know if he was ok.

"Plagg?" I said, lifting the covers to look under my sheets. "Where are you?"

All of a sudden, a quiet rattle was seen and heard from under an empty tin of camembert. My eyes widened as i tried to remember the events that happened in my dream. Plagg was on the floor in my dream and is on the floor now! I quickly jumped off of the bed and crawled over to the slight movement.

"Yeah, Yeah. Im here." I heard a familiar voice say. Two small, black cat ears emerged from the contents of the cheese tin, followed by a big, black head and massive green eyes. Plagg!

"Plagg!" I gasped as i scooped the tiny, black cat in my hands. I carefully checked him over, under his arms, on his head, on his back, anywhere you could think of, i checked.

"Uhhh, what are you doing?" He asked, looking at me as if he was going to slap me any minute now. I pulled him closer to my cheek and fussed him.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" I said, not wanting to letting go of him for a second.

"Of course you are." A smug look appearing on his face. It disappeared as quick as a flash, as realization came to mind. "Uhhh, why wouldn't i be again?"

I gave him the look, but still continued to hug him. He tried to push away after a while though.


Miraculous singingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें