Chapter 12: Paletas!!!

Start from the beginning

     "What is it lass?" He asked. Not a moment later, she abruptly stood up.

     "Do you hear that?" She asked him. She was beginning to scare the poor boy.

     "No? What do ya mean?"

     "That sound. The song from the heavens. The beautiful bells are calling me to buy my heavenly treat!" She declared to the world. With that, she ran down the hill with Scotland on her tail.

     "Lass! Where we goin?!" She didn't answer but instead, kept running and soon enough, he could hear the jingles of bells.

     "¡PALETERO!" She yelled out. Soon a man stopped in his tracks and turned around to see his number one customer. He waved at her and smiled from under his sunhat.

     "Hola (y/n). ¿Como as estado?" He asked her.

     "¡Bien bien!" He gave her a toothy grin while reaching into his cart and pulling out two ice-cream bars. She smiled and handed him a few coins before he waved and left to go and find his other regular customers.

     "What was that about?" Scotland asked the little girl who was holding out the pink bar.

      "Oh, he was the paletero. Or basically the ice cream man. These," she said, opening the wrapper to reveal a mango looking colour bar, "are called paletas. Basically it's a fruit bar, like ice cream." She said and took a bite of her ice cream bar.

     They walked around the fairly empty streets, enjoying their ice cream bars. Finally, they arrived to her place where they fell asleep cuddling each other.

     The mothers of the two chibi countries awed in unísono at the sight of their children getting along.

     "Why don't we take a picture of our wee little angels?"

     "Sadly, we can't take pictures in the 1800s." And with that, they decided to draw that moment of their children.

Extended Ending:

     Mexico had decided to clean out her basement with the help of her old friend Scotland. She was rummaging through a box of toys that she used to play with when she was a chibi country while he was trying to read what the boxes said. His gaze was fixated on a box labeled 'Fotos De Los 1800s' that was poor ably attempted to be hidden. He grabbed the box and showed it to her

     "This says 'Photos of the 1800s'." She was also curious as to what hid beneath the cover and decided to open it. There were photos of her chibi self playing with other chibi countries, some she knew don't exist in their world anymore. At the bottom of the box was a painting that was so lifelike, it seemed as if they were watching it through a screen. But once they realized what they were doing in the picture, their faces turned so red that they almost put Spain's tomatoes to shame. Scotland awkwardly cleared his throat and went back to work on helping his friend.

     After a while, the room was filled with a chorus of yawning. As the time went on, both countries decided to a break and slumped against each other's back and slowly lost conscious, cuddling in each other's arms.

     Little did they know that both their mothers awed as they watched over their grown children cuddled with each other, just like the good old days, when they sang them to sleep. Mexico's mother turned to look at the ruler of where they resided.

     "Muchas gracias Yeesus for letting us see our children."

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. This one turned out to be a bit fluffy in which I accidentally awed while writing this. Anyways, translation time!

¡Hola! = Hello!
¡Muchas gracias Migue! = Thanks so much Migue/Miguel
Agua fresca de fresa = fresh water of strawberries.
Cordero escocés = Scottish lamb
De nada = you're welcome
¿Como as estado? = How have you been?
¡Bien bien! = Good good!

     I love this short little story to be honest. Anyways, do t forget to leave a comment and if you don't mind, please consider voting on any of my chapters! That's is all for now. Mother Shwan out!

Edit: Found a paletero in the neighborhood! Enjoying the paleta in this heat!

Edit: Found a paletero in the neighborhood! Enjoying the paleta in this heat!

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