Chapter 12: Her Dorkiness is on a Sort-of Date

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This chapter is dedicated to the amazing @flubby9 for voting for all my chapters! They mean a lot to me! =)


|| Erin ||

Trying my best not to feel excited, I walk down the hallway, hoping that I haven't missed Krislie and her friends yet. Before I can get too far, though, a certain redhead with spike-shaped earrings taps me on the shoulder. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Um... to the... soccer field," I say, although it's more of a question. Am I not allowed to go there?


"Why'd you ask?"

"No reason." Brianna smiles, flips her hair over her shoulder, and leaves. I shrug and continue on my way. A seed of doubt is sowing itself in my head. Are Theo and Brianna a pair or something? She is his type: gothic, cool, and popular. Me? I'm nerdy, dorky and... yeah well popular is an understatement. But still.

I see Krislie and another girl giggling behind the screens of their cellphones. I walk up to them and say, "Hey, Krislie, Theo said I could get directions to the soccer field from you?"

"Huh?" Krislie takes a moment to process what I just asked. "Oh. The stadium? I'll give you directions."

"Okay..." I drag, "Um... where is it?"

"I have one condition though."

Knew it was coming. Situations like these are just too good to be true, you know?

"What is it?"

"Tell your friend to get away from my Shane," she hisses darkly. I widen my eyes. "Which friend?"

"You know which friend. Small eyes? Black hair? Japanese?" she mocks. "Anyway, you've got to tell your friend that Shane is mine."

" 'My friend' has a name, you know," I shoot back. Newbie or not, Hana is my friend, and she deserves respect.

"Oh yeah, what's her name again?" Krislie asks innocently. Her friend laughs.

"It's Hana," I reply bluntly. "And yeah, I will. Now give me the directions, please."

"If you say so, Your Dorkiness. Exit the school's main building and turn right at the parking lot. Then continue on straight until you reach the curb and then cross the road. That should be it," she says, and then goes on clicking away on her phone.

"Loser," I mutter under my breath as I follow her directions and exit the school building. What if this is just a phony? What if Krislie was that mad and gave me wrong directions?

Well, I can always backtrack.

Luckily, after ten minutes, I push open the doors to the stadium lobby. So Krislie's directions were accurate. A man in a suit is sitting at the front desk, sipping contentedly from a can of soda. I tap a bell on the table, which gets his attention. "Y-yes, ma'am?"

"Where is the way to the soccer field?" I ask.

"Just down that hall. The lockers are on the first two doors-you'll see male and female signs on them-and the main field is on the third."

"Thanks." Flashing him a quick smile, I jog down the corridor and pass the first two doors, reaching the third. My hand stops midway to its handle. Should I go out there? In front of the whole soccer team? Me, a self-proclaimed geeky girl with a jock side?

Might as well.

Summoning up my courage, I push down the handle and step outdoors. The sound of someone-the Coach, probably-yelling and a ball being kicked reaches my ears and I take an unconscious step back. I am so not used to this.

The S.H.A.N.E. Game (editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora