Chapter 9- The Dance

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Adrien sighed as he released his transformation and plopped down onto his bed. He had just got back from Marinette's house. They had watched a movie together and he left after he tucked her into bed.

" So kid, how do you plan on telling Mari who you are?" Plagg asked. He was needing to know if it was involving him or not, and he was curious. Adrien looked up at his kwami, then back to the ceiling above him.

" I don't know," Adrien replied simply, stating the truth.

" What? What do you mean you don't know?" Adrien was silent. It made his point. Plagg sighed.

" So you're saying that you have no idea how you're going to tell her?" Plagg asked while doing a weird gesture. Adrien nodded.

" Why!?" Plagg said almost yelling.

" I don't know Plagg I just don't know how to tell her. I mean, what if when she finds out she doesn't like me, or what if hates me. I don't want that," Adrien replied almost at the brink of tears at his last thoughts. Plagg's face became sentimental at the boy in front of him. He flew over to Adrien's side.

" Adrien, look." Adrien looked at his kwami. Plagg's face was serious as he flew in front of his face.

" If she hates you because of who you are then she's not the one for you," Plagg stated seriously. He then hugged Adrien's cheek in comfort.

" I'm glad I have you Plagg," Adrien said smiling slightly. Plagg smiled too.

" Me too."

The next day Marinette woke up early to continue her last dress in er new line. She was humming as she worked.

" Happy today?" Tikki asked as she sat on her holder's shoulder.

" Ya, I just so excited for my friends to see their outfits!" Marinette beamed as she finished sewing a seam. Tikki smiled at her holder's happiness. After about a half an hour of her sewing her phone alarm went off, signalling that it was time for her to get her stuff and leave. Once she grabbed her jacket she headed out on her way to school. When there she found Alya talking to Nino at the front steps.

" What are you doing Marinette?" Tikki asked as Marinette hid in the bushes.

" I'm spying on Alya and Nino."

" Why," Tikki asked hiding behind her holder.

" Because, they're obviously talking about something interesting. I mean Alya's blushing!" Marinette exclaimed silently before moving closer. Once closer she could hear their conservation.

" So, um, would you?" Nino asked slightly, blushing.

" What are they talking about?" Tikki asked, curious. Marinette pushed her down.

" Shush Tikki!" Alya turned to Nino.

" I loved to," Alya replied causing Nino to smile brightly.

" Really!"

" Oh, shut up! Don't tell me you didn't expect me to say yes," Alya said hitting him lightly in the arm. Nino rubbed his neck.

" Yea, I kinda didn't expect you to. Honestly why would you want to go to the dance with me?" Nino replied sheepishly. Alya gave him a sincere smile.

" Cause you're awesome and you deserve it. Now, I have to get to class, bye!" Alya said before kissing on the cheek and leaving. Nino's then faced face shook and was replaced with a grin as he stood up.He turned to the steps and walked to class as well. Marinette squealed as she walked out from the bushes.

" Omg! Tikki you we're right! Djwifi is canon!" Marinette exclaimed using the weird name Tikki and her made. Tikki beamed as she flew into Marinette's purse and Marinette walked inside. Once in class Marinette found Alya on her phone in her seat.Marinette sat beside her, glancing down at Adrien talking to Nino.

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