LOVE BITES Chapter 29 : The Hunt Begins

Start from the beginning

I wrapped my hands around the mug, feeling its warmth soak into my skin. It was perfect for the kind of cool weather we were experiencing lately. Bitter and numbing.

Biting my lip I asked, "Klein doesn't work at a soap company, does he? He doesn't make these exotic scented brands that take him months to create?"

Callie's lips pulled back in an amused smile. "Where did that come from?"

I mentally slapped myself. "Sorry, that probably made zero sense to you. Um, what I meant to say was, the reason why Klein's always away..."

"Ah," Callie nodded, leaning back. I sighed, grateful she understood what I was referring to and was open to discuss it. "You miss him too?"

My smile faded. "No, well I mean yes, but that isn't what I..."

"I know I said I was fed up with him always being away -- which I still am mind you because I know that his absence effects not only me but Brianna as well-"

"He's a vampire hunter," I blurted, cutting straight to the point. "And I know that you know."

I timidly brought my eyes to hers. Alastair told me himself that she knew but when she didn't respond for the longest time, I started to freak out.

Crap. Did I just make a terrible mistake and tell her something that her own husband had kept secret? Did I just spill the beans about my kinds existence? Will I get in trouble for that?!

"I-I mean," I floundered. "I thought -- Alastair said that you knew..."

She held her hand up, silencing me. "Sweetie, calm down. I know. I've known since the first day I met Klein. I wouldn't be here today if he wasn't a Hunter," she assured me. My shoulders relaxed. "I see Alastair told you," she noted, folding her hands over her lap.

"Erm, sort of..."

She reached out to me, tilting my chin up. "I'm so sorry about keeping this from you for so long, Nikki. It was the only way to keep you safe."

I smiled tightly, pulling away from her. "It's fine. Really. I get it. You guys were only trying to protect me."

She breathed a sigh of relief, settling back in her chair. "Still, I'm surprised Alastair told you anything at all. Humans aren't supposed to know about this side of the world and Alastair knew that above all people. It's looked down upon. Disrespectful, almost, to the vampire race when mortals try to make sense of it all. Why would that boy risk everything to tell you now?"

I suddenly felt a heavy pressure on my shoulders. Boy this was hard. Was this what Alastair constantly felt like when I'd questioned things?

"Alastair didn't tell me about Klein or that he himself was a vampire," I began to explained. "Well, he did, but only after he found out that I remembered everything. About who Mom and Dad were, about... me." I sighed. "Callie, I know I'm not human, or that I ever was to begin with. I'm an Imperial and one of the last in fact. I've known for a few weeks now."

"Wow," was all she could manage. "I gave Chàntelle more credit than he's worth if he can't do one simple job and keep you safe."

"It's not his fault," I said. I couldn't believe I was defending that warlock! "Imperials are the most powerful race of vampire. That side of myself couldn't remain suppressed forever."

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