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    Christmas (Nick Cave)

December twenty-fourth. A day in which–for many of those in the world– you are surrounded by those who love you, those who you love. A day that is so two-faced you do not know what you are celebrating.. The birth of Jesus Christ, Santa Claus, the gifts you give or the gifts you get. Christmas, they call it. Where it is said you dream of sugarplum fairies during the night while a jolly fat man creeps into your house to leave gifts inside stockings and under colourfully decorated fig trees. For the mysterious and fascinating frontman, there felt a certain emptiness inside him. He would begin to think that the gaping hole is lonliness, or the fact that he was no longer a child to experience such magic that came with this holiday. He had nobody to celebrate with, no party to go to, no bar to spend his night at. That was okay, he thought as he peeled the stick of tobacco from his ginger-pink lips and released a lungful of smoke.

    ι really can'т ѕтay.. (вυт вaвy, ιт'ѕ cold oυтѕιde)
ι нave тo go away... (вυт вaвy, ιт'ѕ cold oυтѕιde) The song played softly throughout the living room, dimly lit by the warm colours that eluded from the pathetic-looking tree he so carefully decorated with bulbs of red and gold and green, and silver tinsel and a long chord of festive lights spiraled down the tree's prickly branches. Listening to the sickeningly cheesy song for a moment, he recalled the memories he had as a teenager. He hated that song. It made him want to hurl the radio at the wall.

    тнιѕ evenιng нaѕ вeen... (вeen нopιng тнaт yoυ'd drop ιn)
ѕo very nιce.. (ι'll нold yoυr нandѕ, тнey're jυѕт lιĸe ιce) Speaking of which..
He lowered his leg onto the cold wooden floor then lifted himself off of the chair he sat on incorrectly. His memories reminded him of how violently the song annihilated his eardrums and forced his body to tense itself into a cringe. The singer hastily pushed the wispy white curtains aside and clicked off the small brown radio that sat innocently in the window sill. "Good.." He thought to himself whilst pressing the fag between his lips again.

    Merry Christmas.

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