•Chapter 19: Almost Normal Again

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•Chapter 19: Almost Normal Again

Ariana's POV

For the first time in a while I have woken up by myself. No yelling, no walking into my room, no explosions. I wriggle my toes and itch my nose before my eyes open to see my room. Having forgotten to close my curtains last night the morning sun is shining through my windows. I hear my dad's bark of a laugh echo through the house which causes a smile to slide on my face.

My dad's been a good mood since the house has been filled again by the Weasleys, despite Mr Weasley being in the hospital. Also, while we are on Mr Weasley, he's leaving the hospital and coming back to Grimmauld place today.

"Ariana? You awake?". I look towards my door as it opens slowly and a red head is seen peering around the door.
"Yeah. I'm up" I respond pushing my hair out my face. The door fully opens and the youngest Weasley walks into my room.
"Morning Gin. What's up?".
"Dad's coming back today. Thought you might like to come with us to go get him" she states before walking with a spring in her step over to me and sits down on my bed. She leans against one of my bed posts and crosses her legs.
"Thank you for inviting me but that's a family thing that I don't want to interrupt" I say looking at her.
"You sure?" She asks looking into my eyes, "You've been stuck in this house for too long".
"So has my dad" I add.
"Yes but he has the order members and professor Lupin to talk to" Ginny says.
"Ginny, you can't force her to come" a voice announces at the door I turn to see the twins leaning against the door frames.
"Ever heard of knocking?" I question at them. They return the smirks and in sync knock on the door frame they are leaning on.

I roll my eyes at their antics and proceed the push back my covers to get up.
"As much as I love a Weasley convention, I need to get changed".
"Well in that case" Fred says before pushing off the frame and begins to walk in my room.
"OUT!" I shout and point towards my door. Fred let's out a loud laugh, runs out my room and drags George with him. I catch George's smile which was directed towards me before he disappeared from my room and they thundered down the stairs.

"See ya later" Ginny laughs as she leaves the room. I wave at her as she goes and roll my eyes at the twins behaviour. I walk over to my wardrobe and grab clothes. A pair of grey skinny jeans, a light pink tank top with a black crop top for underneath and a pair of light pink heeled ankle boots. I go to my bathroom and get ready for the day.

George's POV

As Fred dragged me out of Ariana's room I smiled as quickly as I could towards her. During the time we've been back me and Ariana have began to hang out again. I guess I'll never know why she went so cold towards me for a while.... I'll never understand girls. Anyway, Fred drags me all the way to the kitchen to see mum and Ron getting ready to got fetch dad.
"Come along you two. Your father is getting let out in half an hour" mum announces before chucking a jacket at each of us. "And where is your sister?".
"Here mum" Ginny announces as she pulls a jumper on while walking through the kitchen door.
"Good. Now we will set off as soon as Tonks arrives to join us as a guard" mum says to us before adding a quiet comment of, "which I don't understand we need". Me and Fred try to hide our laughter at that.

As soon as Tonks arrives we start to head out the kitchen and into the corridor by the front door. As we 'quietly' walk past Mrs Black I hear feet coming down the main staircase which I turn towards to see who it is. My eyes widen as I see Ariana. I never thought a tank top and skinny jeans could look so good. I only get knocked out of my staring as my mum whisper shouts my name. I blink a few times, smile shyly at the watching Ariana and follow my family out the door. Just before we apperate I watch both Ginny and Fred smirk in my direction, while Ron...well Ron doesn't do anything. He never notices anything. I roll my eyes and apperate away to the hospital as mum and Fred bring Ron and Ginny.

Ariana's POV

I watch George rush out the front door after his family as I reach the kitchen. A smile appears on my face at his sly smile. I think this proves that our friendship is on the mend. As I enter the kitchen I see leftover coffee on the counter and bread I could toast, which I end up doing. As I'm stuffing my face with toast I watch my dad almost fall down the stairs into the kitchen.
"You okay?" I say through a mouth full of toast. He pushes his hair out of his face and nods his head, "yep. I'm just glad Mrs Weasley didn't see that. Been on my back about fixing that step for months". I let out a laugh and finish my breakfast. By the time me and dad had eaten nearly everything in the kitchen and cleaned up we hear the front door open and a voices fill the house, which ultimately causes Mrs Black to began shouting.

Me and dad look at eachother and in both of our minds we said, "everything is normal again".

A few hours later me, the Weasleys, dad, Remus, Harry and a few order members proceed to sit around our table in the kitchen to eat one of Mrs Weasley's delicious meals.
"I'm glad your okay"
"Me too"
"This is lovely Molly"
"I swear your cat hates me"
"No he doesn't. You just don't like him"
"Yes Molly I will fix that step"

This and many other comments can be heard round the table. I smile at the faces around me and realise this time last year it was just me, dad and Remus. I'm glad this rickety old house it full for once.

"So Ariana.." I turn to face George. I raise my eyebrows in a way to get him to continue.
"What are you doing this Christmas? Any plans?".
"I dunno. I might go ice skating" I shrug. This causes my dad's head to turn in my direction.
"I've never gone ice skating".
"You've never gone ice skating!" I exclaim shocked, "I'm gonna have to fix that".
"Not this Christmas Ariana" my dad says from the seat across from me. I roll my eyes and whisper to George, "I guess we are gonna have to sneak out then".

I smile towards him which is reciprocates and looks down at his plate. My grin extends and I take a bite of the ham on my plate.

Everything is almost back to normal.

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