•Chapter 13: George or Fred

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•Chapter 13: George or Fred

George's POV

It's August 31st, tomorrow is the day we get back on the Hogwarts express and head off to school again. To be honest I don't really want to leave here, it's been fun this summer with finding out about the order and Ariana.

I'll miss Ariana....

Anyway, I wake up to Fred snoring for his life. I roll my eyes at my twin who was half on the bed, half hanging off. I pull back my covers and look at the clock on the wall. 9:12 in the morning. I groan at the time, I usually sleep later than that. I need to remember to thank Fred and his train snoring later. I get up and head to the door, not before giving my brother a good kick in the shin as I leave. I go down the many stairs from my room to kitchen to find it quite full. I see Harry, Ron and Hermione quietly talking about something. I see Kingsley, Sirius and Remus sitting next to each other opposite mum and dad talking too. A few other order members are sitting round drinking cups of tea. That's when I spot Ariana next to Tonks, who turns and smiles at me. I smile back before sitting in a seat next to my mum, opposite Remus. He nods his head in greeting which I return.

"How are you this morning Fred?" Mum asks me, mixing me and Fred up again. I see Ariana open her mouth to correct her but I give her a look which tells her to play along.
"Good mum. George wouldn't get up to come downstairs as he was late in bed last night" I say smirking, I turn to Sirius, "I heard him upstairs talking late into the night". I see Ariana's eyes grow before she tilts her head down to fake being ashamed.
"Where is he?" Sirius growls making the connection that 'George' was up in Ariana's room all night as her room is above ours.
"Bed" I say leaning back on my chair. Sirius angrily pushes his chair back and stomps out the room and upstairs.

Remus, from where he sat, turns to Ariana and asks, "Ari? Is what Fred said true?".
I see a smile grow on her face and she says, "seeing as that's George infront of you, I'm gonna say no".
Remus's face showed confusion, he looked at me before saying "your not Fred?".
"Nope. I'm George" I say smirking. He sits looking at me for a moment before a shout of fright echoes throughout the house. Remus jumps up and runs out the room, probably to stop Sirius killing my brother.

"Ha. That was fun" I say laughing, leaning back in my chair.
"George, that wasn't very nice" my mum says shaking her head.
"It was just a joke" I turn to Ariana, "what do you have for breakfast?".

Ariana gets up and I follow.
"I don't know what we have in" she says looking in cupboards. I jump on one of the counters and swing my legs. My mum gave me look that told me to get off but I stayed put and gave her a big smile. I look around the room and I see quite a few order members looking at me. I smile at them too, few smile back while others let out a breath of laughter.

Suddenly that smile disappears. I see Sirius coming through the door holding Fred by the ear. Fred looks in pain while Sirius looks 'seriously' angry. Then Remus walks in trying to get Sirius to stop.

"Sirius drop him. That's Fred".
"No it's not. That's Fred" he says pointing at me.
"No its not. That's George, he was pulling your leg. Just let him go" Remus saying getting Sirius to let go of Fred. Fred scrambles away and looks straight at me.
"What the hell are playing at?".
"I don't know. I saw an opportunity and took it".
"Wait, so no one was in your room?" Sirius says to Ariana.
"No. It was just a joke" Ariana says using her wand to toast some bread.
"Here you go" she passes me the bread, "want some Fred?". I bite into the toast while I watch Sirius's face go through many emotions before settling on a slight grin. I wink at him and think, 'maybe he's starting to like me'.

Ariana's POV

After the whole Fred and George switch this morning I've been helping all the kids going to Hogwarts find items that have been moved by Kreacher. He's a little git sometimes. I found one of Ginny's shoes in the bathroom on the second floor, Ron's scarf in the cupboard downstairs and Hermione's charms textbook in the fridge. I don't know either.

Right now I'm heading to the twins room to return George's jacket which I found in the lounge so he won't forget it. I walk in to find him sat on his trunk trying to shut it.
I clear my throat to get his attention. He looks up at me and smiles, "Hiya".
"Hey George. What are you doing?" I say walking in and closing the door behind me. I lean on it as he says, "Trying to get this blasted thing to shut".
"Well maybe you wanna stop trying cus' you've forgot this" I chucked his jacket at him. He catches it with one hand before sighing, "I thought everything was in there". He gets off his trunk, puts his jacket inside and sits on it again.
"What some help?" I ask him. He shyly nods at me. I get off the door and join him sitting on the trunk. In a few tries we get the latches down. We both let out a sigh of relief.

I look at him to find him looking back at me.
"I'm gonna miss you" he states looking into my eyes.
"Me too" I lean into him and put my head on his shoulder. I feel him put his head ontop of mine and kiss the top of it. I raise my head and I look straight into his eyes. I feel myself leaning in and see him doing it too. I close my eyes. Our lips are an inch away when someone sets off Mrs Black's painting. We jump apart in shock and avoid looking at eachother.

"I better go find out what happened" I mumble out before scrambling off the trunk and out the door. I rush down a level before resting and leaning on the banister of the stairwell.

All I could think was, 'Well...that's new...'.

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