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He was silent as he stared at me looking down at my lips then back into my eyes,

"Admit it Gray, you can't stand that Ethan's more closer to me then you'll even be, I mean.. sure we had our fun but you're scared that your own brother will get to have this & you would only be watching us", I continue licking my lips stepping closer to him as my torso touches his,

"Admit it Gray, you want me so bad that it hurts, I know you crave me... tell me Gray", I whisper playing mind games with him,

Remembering that he called me a slut for absolutely no reason & for all the times he played games with me brought me to take advantage of his emotions when he fucked with mine.

"Tell me Grayso-",

"Hey? Grayson? What are you doing here?", Ethan asks walking over to me & Grayson with food in his hand,

"He was just leaving", I reply smiling at Gray,

"Right Grayson?", I sing watching his raise his brow as his breathing becomes unsteady,

"Yeah, I was just leaving", he replied walking off,

"Ok?", Ethan says furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

Watching Grayson walk off hurt so much, my heart was telling me to stop him but it was for the best,

"Hey Eth", I smile at Ethan as he walks closer to me,

"What was that all about?", he asks handing me his phone &I the bags of food,

"Nothing he's so random", I shrug at him as he locks his car.

"Come in", I laugh jumping through my window,

"Umm Steph.. you do have a front door?",

"Yeah but the keys are inside", I continue to laugh,

Seeing Ethan struggle coming in through the window was hilarious as he falls onto his ass,

"Ethan are you ok?", I laugh out of breath,

"Not funny", he laughs as he holds out his hand for help,

I grab it & help him up,

"Movie? Or we could just talk..?",

"Talking sounds good", he smiles sitting on my bed unwrapping burgers for me & himself,

"Yes, it's like you read my mind", I squeal taking the burger from out of his hand,

"You're welcome",

I take a bite & indulge the burger moaning as I chew,

"Ok, ugh Steph, you're moaning", he says uncomfortably,

"This... is... so.. good", I point at the burger in my hand & take another bite,

He shakes his head slightly with a smile on his face right before taking a bite himself,

"So, what do you wanna talk about?", I ask grabbing some fries stuffing them in my mouth,

"Umm I don't know, sex?", he laughs watching as my face changes from one expression to another,

I cough,
"Are you being serious?", I chuckle covering my mouth with food in it,

"Yeah... no... Maybe.. I mean if you wanna talk about that then umm we can", he replies shoving fries into his mouth,

"I wouldn't know what to tell you", I reply swallowing the lump of food,

"Yeah, of course sorry", he smiles looking down,

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