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I felt his eyes still on me,
Sitting on my bed as I grab the towel I used for when I had a shower to dry my hair.

Thinking about my weird kiss with Grayson I lay backwards on my bed looking back at the window as he stood there looking at me.

I rolled my eyes getting up,
Walking to the window I lift it,
"Ugh don't you have a home to go to? You look like a lost puppy at my window Gray".

He just stood there gazing into my eyes like he was hypnotised or something,

"Grayson?", I said again trying to make him snap out of it.

But he just stared at me as a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Ok... you're kinda freaking me out..",
"Do you believe in love at first kiss?", he asked coming closer to me,

But then it just hit me, I was his first kiss.

"Grayson trust me after what just happened here, this is gonna be an experiment for you & maybe for me", I replied trying to act cool like I knew what I was talking about.

"You need to go home Gray..",

"Say it again", he says biting his lip,
"What? That's it's going to be an experiment..?",

"No", he cleared his throat,
"Say my name again",

"Grayson...", I squinted not knowing where he was going with this.

He took one more look at me & put his hoodie over his head & walked off to his car.

"Ok something's happened to this dude", I said to myself whilst shutting my window,

Quickly changing out of my wet nighty I pick the most comfy track pants & a hoodie 2x bigger then my size & slip it on.

Crawling into bed I take a look at my phone seeing that it was almost 2 in the morning & put it on charge.

Dozing off to sleep.


The morning came not long after as the annoying flash of the sun raze glared through the sides of my curtains.

Plus the annoying ringing tone rang in my ears.

"What? What? This better be important like someone's dying or else someone's is gonna seriously die", I yell into the phone with my morning voice all croaky as fuck.

"Is it true?", said the voice,

"Is what true? & who the fuck are you?", I answer trying to sit up in bed,

"Are you & Grayson Dolan a thing?",

I stared at the wall across me feeling confused.
What was I supposed to say?

No, say no!

"Ugh, No why? Whoever told you this clearly has too much time on their hands", I reply trying to keep it cool but at the same time shitting myself.

& with that they hung up.

"Ok weirdo",

I sink back into my bed pulling the covers over my head.

My phone rang again but this time it was my beloved friend Lola,

"Hey what's up?", I answer trying to sound cheerful even though I was far from it.

"Stephy baby, still asleep?", she replies giggling.

"No, just woke up actually, did you bring my car back?", I ask still under my covers,

"Yes babe I did last night, took it to my brothers friends place, it's nice & clean no more graffiti, oh & also I managed to persuade him to replacing your old side mirror", she replies,

"Really? Thank you so much what would I do without you?",

"Ugh, maybe become dangerously close with Gray", she laughed,

"What? There is nothing going on...",

"Steph apparently people saw you guys leave together last night", she says cutting me off,

"You took my car..",

"& you were going to leave with Ethan & Grayson remember, of course people are going to talk now", she laughed harder,

"Kill me now!!", I grunt munching on my blanket,

"Hey it's ok, it's Grayson remember?",

"So, he's a weird kid that's just...",

"Hot? Sexy? Fine as fuck? Amazeballs? & that jawline..",

"Lola you're drooling", I raise my brow",

"I'm just saying, I'd tap that", she laughed so hard causing her to cough,

"Bye Lola, thanks again", I say getting annoyed,

"Ok I'll talk to you soon",

Hanging up I really didn't want to face the day at all,
Felling physically ill I stare at my bare blanket.

"Another long ass day today", I mumble trying to keep my eyes open.

Flipping the blanket off me, I walk to my bathroom seeing the bandaid on my forehead,

"I faced Grayson with this on my head?", I sighed rolling my eyes,

Brushing my teeth I lean over looking at the time placed on my wall, 9:00am.

"Ok so I have...", checking my notes in my phone, I widen my eyes to see that I had a doctors dentist appointment!

"Ohhhh FUCK MY LIFE!", yelling at myself in the mirror as my mouth is full of foam.

Quickly throwing on my large kaki jacket & ripped skinny jeans, I grab my sketchers & phone running into the kitchen.

"Water... water", I mumbled to myself as I pull out a bottle out of the fridge.

Slipping on my shoes I race outside with my car keys,
"Goodbye wisdom teeth, it was nice knowing you", I laugh at myself as I back out of my drive way.


Making my way to the dentist I park my car, looking to my left I see a car that looks awfully familiar.

"Oh please don't tell me? Nope, no it's probably just a look alike", I said staring at the car beside me,

Jumping out of my car entering the dentist office I walk up to the reception,

"Hi I have an appointment with Dr. Phillip",

The old lady at the reception looked so exhausted, regardless she had a bright smile on her face.

"Yes dear, take a seat", she replied kindly nodding over to the empty chairs in the waiting room.

I smile & make my way to an empty seat, looking over to my left a bunch of old magazines with Cameron Diaz & other celebs I didn't even know the names to.

I take out my phone & head to my Snapchat,

"Psssst", I hear someone hissing at me,
Ignoring it I continue looking at the stories snaps of my friends,

"Pssssst", came the sound again,

Looking up from my phone I see Grayson & Ethan both smiling at me,

"Oh god", I say under my breath knowing that the car outside was in fact Grayson's.

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