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You see not all stories start off badly & not all stories end happily..
Mine was tragically like that.

I hated my life but I had my friends to lean on when I felt like shit.

I didn't have parents but I did have my aunt & uncle to go home to.

I loved to smile even though so many people loved to see me fail & struggle in life.

I tried to progress & ignore any hate that came my way, it became difficult but like I said my friends were everything to me.

I was sort of the ugly one out of my fiends,
The one the guys would come up to so they could get info off me to hook up with my mates.

I wasn't fat nor was I ugly but I wasn't the type to wear make up so it made me stick out from the rest.

I wore loose clothing & a SnapBack was my specialty.

My curves around my hips were always bumping into my bedrooms door handle & my ass would get in the way to almost everything.

Kim K had nothing on me.

I had naturally long eyelashes & I had a condition called Heterochromia which basically means my eyes were a different colour.

One eye was green the other hazel or yellow.

Not a lot of people noticed coz I wore sunglasses all the time or my huge prescription glasses would get in the way.

I had freckles but apparently not enough since one of my mates had her whole body covered in them & she was considered a Goddess!

I didn't do my eyebrows coz they were shaped out naturally themselves.

My favourite colour is Red & I'm just blabbering on about my whole life story hahaha,
Oh & I almost forgot... I have a huge banging crush on this guy that goes to my school...
Cameron Dallas.

Yeah I know what you're thinking why him?

Well this is going to be interesting because my mates are going to help me get him but a little bit jealousy will get in the way.

Here's how my life basically becomes one of those filled with soaked up awesomeness 🤣.

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