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I head indoors freaking out of the screeching scream coming from a girl with her hands covered in blood.

"The fucks going on?", I ask rushing through the crowd,
"Alex hurt himself", someone says as I watch Alex holding his arm with a terrified look on his face,

"What the fuck Alex! Come here", I grab his arm & rush him to the kitchens sink holding his bleeding arm as he squirms in pain,

"Up!", I yell slapping the kitchen bench,
He jumps back & lands on it sitting,
It wasn't my house but I knew my way around a kitchen, raiding the drawers I find a kitchen towel pressing it against his arm seeing the blood stop gushing.

"Ok emergency kit NOW!", I say loudly as everyone stares at me & Alex,
Lola ran to the bathroom & came back as quick as possible,
"No Kit but I found big bandages", she says placing the thick bandages on the kitchen bench.

I nod & carefully lift the towel from his arm seeing it had eased on the bleeding,
"Are you ok?", I say with concern as Alex's face became pale,

"Yeah, I think so", he gulped as sweat began to progress on his face,
"Ok you need to stay with me, you've obviously lost a lot of blood but not as much that you will die ok", I joked seeing him smile making sure he was with me & had communication.

I removed the towel & checked out the wound, it wasn't all that deep for in need of stitches but I placed the bandage on it anyway.

"Ok you're good to go", I click my tongue Happy with the bandaging job I just did,

"Thanks", he says jumping off the kitchen bench still looking pale,

"Be careful you may feel a tiny bit light headed, go sit down on the couch or something", I said directing him,

"What happened exactly?",
"I don't know, someone slipped & jabbed him with a broken beer bottle & then Krista screamed her ass off", Lola replied pushing her hair back.

Most of the people left so we cleaned up the bloody mess while some of the guys watched a movie laughing their ass off,
I kept Peaking over at Alex to make sure he was ok, seemed to be like he was sleeping on the couch.

"Hey you need help?", Ethan said picking up rubbish & soda cups from the floor,
"Well you offered so no backing out now", I giggled,

We finished the ugly deed & heard the guys having a serious convo about something.

"No, no, I dare you to... twerk right here right now", Grayson says to one of his mates,

"Wow, you guys have nothing else better to do then to play truth or dare?", I roll my eyes sitting on the arm rest,

"1- shut the fuck up & 2- are you joining in or what?", he demandingly speaks,

"1- don't make me rip you another asshole & 2- hell no, I'm not a 7 year old", I replied getting up from the arms rest, my arm was latched on by Ethan as he held tightly giving me those puppy eyes,
"Sit please it'll be fun, I promise", he smirked.

I sat down crossing my arms as the guys truthed & dared each other, getting bored of the same questions asked over & over again.

"Why don't we make this thing even more interesting?", Grayson bit his lip in excitement,

Oh great, god knows what's on that dopey mind of his.

Everyone nods & we continue,
He looked over at Ethan & smiled,

"Truth or Dare Eth?", he asked,

"Ugh, Dare", Ethan hesitated,

"I dare you to.... kiss.....LOLA", Grayson says hyped.

Of course Lola was ready as ever, flicking her hair to the side as she got up & so did Ethan,

They both turned into 2 year old kids giggling as they stood in front of each other as we watched them trying to go for it but break out into laughter as soon as they came too close.

"I can't do it", Ethan laughed harder,
Lola grabbed his face & let him have it...

We all watched as they locked lips making me feel uncomfortable.

Grayson noticed me squirm scrunching up my face as both my best friends made out.

"Ok that enough", Grayson said throwing a pillow at them.

"Ok, since Ethan was the one that completed the dare, he goes next", Grayson says intwining his fingers together.

Ethan looked over at me,
"Oh god, please not me", I sob about to get up & run away.

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