Chapter 7: An Unexpected Encounter

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"A dragon!? How exciting!" He says enthusiastically.

"You should come, too," Irileth said to me. "You have more experience than all of us."
Giving Farengar the evil eye, I followed the pair running upstairs to a room with a table of war plans and battle strategies. Balgruuf the Greater stood with a Whiterun guard waiting for us.

"Good, you're all here," Balgruuf greeted us. "Tell them what you told me." He ordered the guard.

"Yes, my Jarl!" The guard said. Let's just call him Jimmy. "We were stationed at the Western Watchtower," Jimmy explained to everyone. "Everything was fine until that beast came down from the mountains to the South. It was circling the tower when I left. Never ran so fast in my life..." Jimmy finished.

"Good work, son," Balgruuf said. "Head on down to the barracks and get some rest. You've earned it."

Jimmy bowed. "Thank you, my Lord." And with that, Jimmy left us to discuss things further without him.

"Irileth, I need you and a group of men out there to scout out the situation!" The Jarl commanded her.

"Yes, my Jarl! I'm the very soul for the cause," She says with a salute.

"My Jarl," Farengar spoke up. "I would very much like to see this dragon for myself. I think it would be a great bene-"

"No!" Balgruuf cut him off, "I need you here to figure out how to protect the city. I can't lose both of you." He said.

"Yes, my Lord. I'll get back to my research then," Farengar said, returning to his study.

Jarl Balgruuf turned to face me. "Kayleighn, I want you to go the watchtower with Irileth. You survived Helgen, so you have more experience than all of us combined. See if you can't defeat this dragon," He ordered.

"Yes, my Jarl!" I answer with a curtsy, before spinning on my heel and taking off running. I chased after the Dunmer Housecarl out of the palace, past the Gildergleam, through the marketplace, and stopped in front of the guardhouse where Irileth gave a rallying speech to her men. Something about the honor of slaying the first dragon in centuries. Once the soldiers were riled up, we all headed out of the city gates and ran Westward to the tower.

Irileth, the soldiers, and I ran as fast as we could down the cobblestone road, armor clanking as we go. Irileth motioned us to stop behind a large boulder.

About twenty meters in front of our current position, lay the remains of the Western Watchtower. Piles of rubble and debris were everywhere, and fallen timber beams had been set ablaze. But what we were seeing was something not even I expected.

We all stare in utter astonishment as we watched an Orsimer girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes slay the dragon.

She stood on the grass beside the burning dragon corpse with her eyes closed, and her arms spread out like she was waiting for a hug. The dragon's soul, instead of going to her, absorbed into my body.

After a few moments of nothing happening to her, she opened her eyes and looked at our smallish group just in time to see the soul fade into me.

"Jerk, that was supposed to be my soul! I'm the Dragonborn!" Was the first thing she said with a scowl. I know that voice!

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