Chapter 5: Quest Accepted

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As I walk down the dirt road towards Whiterun, I admire wooded area around me. "Damn, I love mods," I think to myself.

As I'm enjoying the view, I hear a howl. I turn around to see a lone wolf with dark fur, and hunger in it's piercing yellow eyes.
As I stand still, watching it, the creature bares its teeth at me.

The wild animal attacks and I sidestep, unsheathing my gleaming new sword. I swing my weapon at the beast's back, but it runs out of arm's reach.
"This guy is a lot faster than soldiers with armor."

I drop my sword to the ground and whip out the longbow I had gotten in Helgen. I knocked an arrow and drew back. I took aim at the wolf's head, then let loose the string. The arrow went straight into the animal's left eye, killing the brain.
I watched as the wolf fell limp before picking up my sword and hooking it to my belt and retrieved my arrow.

As I pulled the arrow out, bits of flesh and brain tissue stuck to it, making me gag at the sight. Holding the arrow by its fletching with only two fingers, and holding it as far away from me as possible, I carry it to the river and let the running water rinse it off. After sticking the clean arrow back into my quiver, I continue on walking until I get to Whiterun's large gate.

After persuading the guards to let me into the city, I walk through the plains district of Whiterun. Looking for a place to stay, I head over to the Bannered Mare.

After talking to Hulda, I get a job cutting wood for the hearth and serving drinks. It doesn't pay super duper well, but I'll be needing the gold before long. Plus I get a free room and hot meals!

So as I was saying, I serve drinks alongside Saadia. And that means I have to deal with a bunch of rude men and their derogatory and perverted remarks. The bard, Mikael, is the worst of the lot.

"Hello, Kayleighn," the perpetually lascivious(thats gotta be my favorite word of all time. 1) because it's fun to say, and 2) all them horny mofos get confused when I call them that🤣) bard greeted. "A lovely day, isn't it? Just not as lovely as you."

"Fuck off, Mickey, I don't have time for your small talk," I said, using my nickname for him as I tended to the inn's patrons.

"C'mon! You know you want a piece of this," he said motioning to himself. I smirked in his direction.

"You're right. I do want a piece of you," I say seductively.

"Do you now? I knew it," He said with a smirk of his own.

"Suuure," I reply. "Just give me a dagger, and I'll take your left nut for myself. Now shut the hell up, and get back to your job!" I yell. Mikael huffs and goes back to playing his lute by the fire.

*Spongebob narrator voice* *one week later*

"I'm off to War Maiden's," I holler at Hulda as I leave for the blacksmith shop.

Upon walking into the shop Adrianne's husband, Ulfberth, greeted me. "Welcome to War Maiden's! What can I get for ya?" He asked.

"Some light armor please," I say as politely as possible. We made small talk as he dug around in one of the back rooms.

"So what is a young girl like yourself going to do with this armor?" He asks.

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