Chapter 3: Helgen

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We all hopped out of the carriage onto the dirt ground and waited for the roll call. As I stood, I spotted a man with longish brown hair.
"Hadvar," I think smiling to myself. I liked Hadvar's character, it's just a shame he's on the Imperial's side.

"Step forward when we call your name!" The female captain ordered.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm" Hadvar called first. Ulfric brushed pass the two soldiers and over next to the headsman's block.
"Ralof of Riverwood," Hadvar called next.

As Ralof stepped forward, I lean over to Lokir. "If you want to live, I suggest you don't run," I whispered into his ear.

"H-how did you know I was-"

"Lokir of Rorikstead."

Lokir's eyes widen more than they already were and glanced back at me before he took off sprinting. "You're not gonna kill me!" He screams.

"Archers," The captain orders with a bored tone. In an instant, Lokir fell to the ground dead with an arrow in his back. "Anyone else feel like running?" She asks.

I sighed. "Should've listened to me, dude. Rest in peace."

"Hold on, Captain, who is she?" Hadvar asked his superior, pointing at me.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to point?" I asked him rhetorically as I stepped up to him.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm-" Just as I had opened my mouth to speak, the world froze and the character creation menu popped up in front of me. A devious grin appeared on my lips. "Oh, this'll be fun.."

The menu floating in front of me seemed to work like a touchscreen. I used my hands to change the sliders. "What should I be?" I wonder. I'm not just designing an avatar, I'm designing me. I can be whatever, or whoever, I want! This is a LARPer's wet dream!

After a bit of self-reflection, I decide to be a Nord; it'll be handy to have that natural frost resistance. I selected the race and began customizing.
Once I'm happy with how I look (see the picture above), I select the 'name character' button and try to come up with a good title.

"Kayleighn the... Mystic? No, I don't think I'll be using much magic... The Damned? Better, but I don't think that's quite right either... The Ripper? Hehe! Funny, but no... The Slayer? Nah, I don't wanna steal Erik's thunder..."
The list of names kept growing until finally... "Fuck it, I'm too lazy! Just Kayleighn it is." So its decided.

I hit the 'okay' button. The menu disappeared, and the world started again.

"Kayleighn, is it? Are you a member of the rebellion?" Hadvar asks before turning to his superior, "Captain, what should we do? She's not on the list."
I already knew the answer she would give.

"Forget the list! She goes to the block!" She says with a tone only an egomaniac could possess.

Hadvar turned back to look at me.
"I'm sorry. At least you'll die here in your homeland. Follow the captain, Prisoner."

"You have no idea how wrong you are about that, buddy," I think.

And with that, I walked to the block to be given my last rights.
"Oh, for the love of Talos! Shut up, and let's get this over with," a red-headed Stormcloak grumbled as he willingly marched up to the headsman's block and kneeled down, his neck on the stone. The Imperial captain put her foot on the man's back, making her look like a hunter who is posing with their fresh kill.
Soon, the headsman's ax came down, chopping the ginger's head off his shoulders with a sickening sound.

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