New family

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Andrea's pov
Me and Mel went outside. And may I say Mel is one of my most cutest little girls ever.

"Andrea?" She asked me

"Yes love?" I answered

"She won't hurt me anymore right...?"

"Who Mel?"

"Mr.Gray's girlfriend"

"What's her name"


"Where is she right now?"

"T-There" she pointed to a red mustang pulling in. A slim blonde stepped out in some short shorts and a belly shirt that almost hit her boobs.
"I won't let her hurt you okay?"I
whispered to Mel

"Okay...." I buckled her in and closed the door. I turned around and yelled at the girl

"Who the hell are you" her voice was let alone annoying.

"Names Andrea. Did you hurt her" I pointed to Mel

"And if I did what are you going to do to me. The little brat got what she deserved." She started walking towards Mel's door.
"I'll do it again." She whipped her door open and grabbed Mel by her arm. I wasn't having it. I grabbed her head and hit it on the truck.


Antiono,Jenni,and Gray were outside now.
"YOU WHORE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY GIRLFRIEND!" Gray yelled at me. Antiono was gonna explode. I quickly grabbed him and put him by Mel trying to show not to kill him. I was gonna speak but Jenni beat me to it.

"You are not my son. My son has respect,loyalty,and honer to his family's name. Ever since you met that hooker you have changed. You no long will hit me or that little girl. NOW LEAVE!"

"But m...." he stuttered

"She said leave so GO" he grabbed his whore and sped off.

"Thank you so much young lady. Your really are a blessing. But now what am I going to do with my horses" she sighed

"Horses?" I questioned

"Oh yes I own 4 horses. Would you like to see them?"

"I would love to. Come on Mel wanna come"

"YAY horsey time" I laughed as she ran to the barns. As we walked in I seen 4 gorgeous horses.

"Andrea these are my horses

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"Andrea these are my horses. Rosa and Blossom are twins. Both Quarter horses. Even tho Blossom is a better jumper Rosa is beautiful in shows.Then you have Shadow. A strong Arabian. When I got him he didn't trust anyone. But now he is awesome at pulling carts and in horse shows.Also you have Alpha. He gave me my life back. He is a mix of Thoughbreed,Arabian,and Stallion. He is an amazing for horse races,and barrel racing." Jenni told me.

They were all gorgeous and to die for. Shadow he gave me a look. That sounds crazy but it looked like he was saying take her pain away.

"These are some gorgeous horses" I said looking away from Shadow.

"I'm glad you think so let's hope so do the buyers"


"Yes dear I'm to old to take care of them and no o-"

"I'll do it. I'll take them. They don't deserve to be cased off to who knows where."

"Sweetheart I wish I could give them to you but Shadow and Alpha have a lot of money on them. I love them to death but... I need the money to finish the property"

"Yes ma'ma....i under-"
"How much" I jumped Antiono was behind me now.

"Antiono you I can't take your money. It would be wrong."

"Jenni you helped my little sister. Please tell me how much for all 4..."
"Okay but Rosa and Blossom are going to a old horse refuge. But Alpha and Shadow...they together are $500,000...."

"$600,000 right now the extra for taking care of my little sister"

"Antiono I ca..."

"You can and will please Jenni just take the money"

"Alright. Your to stubborn to fight with. How do you deal with him dear." I chuckled and shook my head.
For the next hour we were getting all of their stuff ready so they can come back with us. And before you start saying where are we going to put them. Antiono has 100 acres which is more then enough. I strapped them in to the trail.

"You guys will be safe I promise." I laid my head in Shadow's. I felt a connection with him. It felt similar to the one I have with my other animals. As for Alpha he has takin a liking to Antiono. Well 2 new members to add to this crazy family. But God I couldn't trade them for the world.

What relationships will be made?
Who's trust and loyalty will be lost??
I'm picking back up on my writing schedule. School is starting soon so please don't push me.

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