Chapter 7: Trinity

Start from the beginning

"They're dead." Bruce replied bluntly. There wasn't a flicker of emotion in his face as he said this, but his eyes grew dark. 

"Bruce... I'm sorry... I didn't know." Clark put his hand on Bruce's shoulder, but he just shrugged it off. 

"So, what do you guys do?" Bruce knew of course, but he couldn't just come out and say that. 

"Oh, well I write for the school paper, and Diana is the volleyball team captain." She blinked at him, mildly surprised. "What? Everyone knows that." 

The silence following this was broken by Dinah bringing their paper bowls over. 

"Here ya go! Enjoy guys." And she left the party in silence again. So they all began to eat, not knowing what to talk about. Bruce dipped his fries in his shake, eating them as Clark and Diana bit into their burgers. 

It wasn't long after that Clark's phone buzzed and he picked it up, leaving the table. Bruce glanced over his fries at Diana, studying her body language. She looked comfortable, which seemed strange considering she was sitting alone with two boys she had never really met before. Bruce thought back to a video he had seen of one of Diana's volleyball games. She had gone to block a spike, jumping higher than any other player. But it wasn't just that... She had hung in the air a second longer than was possible considering the laws of physics -and gravity of course-. 

Clark interrupted his thoughts. 

"Hey, I gotta run. It was nice hanging out with you guys. See you tomorrow!" Clark jogged off with a to-go box, leaving the other two alone to finish their food. 

They finished in silence, awkwardly sitting across from one another. Dinah brought the check as Diana sighed. 

"Clark forgot to pay for his burger..."

"I got it." Bruce handed Dinah his credit card and she smiled, leaving again to charge it.

"Oh... Thanks Bruce." She smiled and Bruce nodded as Dinah returned. 

"It was nice to see you guys!" Dinah saw them out and Bruce handed her a large tip as they left the restaurant. 

Somehow, thanks to his father-like sixth sense, Alfred was parked, waiting. 

"Do you have a ride?" Diana played with her hair. 

"No. I, um... walk." Bruce's eyebrows raised slightly and he gestured toward his car. 

"Come on. We'll give you a ride." Alfred stepped out, opening the back door as the duo approached. 

"Good afternoon, Master Bruce. How was school?"

"Enlightening Alfred, thank you. This is Diana Prince." Bruce introduced the girl and Alfred bowed slightly. 

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Prince." 

"Diana, please." She smiled at him. 

"Are we giving this young woman a ride home, sir?"

"Yes Alfred. If you don't mind."


/Diana and Bruce POV/

They pulled up to a large, golden gate at the end of a long street. There was a voice coming from the small box at the entrance and Alfred rolled down his window. 

"What is your business?"

"I am dropping off Miss Prince." 

There was a pause, before a buzzing noise sounded and the gate creaked open. The car pulled up to a white marble mansion, coming to a stop where the driveway lopped around a fountain. 

A blonde woman came down the steps calmly, as the three stepped out of the car, Alfred opening the car door for the young teens. 

Diana noticed that her mother was dressed like a mortal, her aunt coming out to stand beside her. 

"Hello Diana. Who is this?" There was a hint of hostility in her voice. 

"This is Bruce and his guardian, Alfred. Bruce is my friend and took me and Clark to lunch." Antiope smiled softly behind her mother and Bruce looked sideways at her, but didn't comment. He stepped forward. 

"Pleasure to meet you madam."

Bruce shook Hippolyta's hand firmly and she smiled coldly. 

"Thank you for bringing her home, Bruce." He nodded as she turned her attention to her daughter. "Diana, come." Hippolyta turned and walked inside but Antiope stepped forward. 

"Thank you for driving her home, Mr...?"

"Pennyworth. Alfred." Diana's aunt shook his hand and smiled as Bruce bid farewell to Diana. 

"Thank you. See you tomorrow." Bruce nodded and she turned, walking up the steps with her aunt. 

"To the manor then, Master Bruce?" Alfred opened the door for Bruce and the boy nodded. 

"Yes, Alfred. I have some more research to do."


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