(1.9) Rescue time!

Start from the beginning

"We're keeping him safe," the voice said calmly. "Just do what we ask of you, and we'll let him go."

"You'll let him go, huh?" Nagisa's voice went from angry screams, to terrifyingly low. His students could hear the murderous intent vibrating in every word. "How do I know you even really have him?"

"I'm glad you asked that," the man said, "would you like to speak with him?"

"These guys just caught me off-guard, Nagisa, I'm alright." Nagisa heard Karma's voice come through the phone. "Actually surprised anyone could do that anymore after so many years with you. Oh, and AIFA too." 'AIFA' was their code for 'use Ritsu,' since her given name was 'Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery,' it meant that he still had his phone near him.

"That proof enough for you." The man asked, and then apparently hit Karma, because there was a grunt in the background.

"So you have him after all." After hearing Karma speak, Nagisa had calmed down enough to be basically back to normal. "I'm not worried. Karma can handle himself, he'll kick your asses, and be out of your hair in no time flat. So, my answer's still no. Also, I don't care if you're holding my mother at gunpoint, never call me during school hours." With that Nagisa hung up.

Nagisa buzzed Ritsu. "Hey Nagisa-kun, long time, no see, what's up."

"Hey Ritsu, could you please track down Karma for me?" he asked politely.

"Sure thing." There was a couple seconds pause, before Ritsu spoke again. "Karma's cellular device is here." She pulled up a map of the city, with a building marked several miles away. "It's a condemned building in a high income neighborhood with a lot of suspected extra-legal activities in the surrounding area."

"Thank you Ritsu," Nagisa said, "I feel better knowing where he is."

"You're welcome Nagisa," Ritsu said cheerfully, then powered down.

"Um, Nagisa-sensei?" Misono raised his hand. "Who's Karma?"

Nagisa finally looked back at his classroom, they had only heard his side of the call, but that gave them enough to know that someone called 'Karma' had been kidnapped. He saw looks of confusion on most of his students faces, suspicion on others, and Kirasaya looked downright terrified for him.

"Karma is a good friend of mine," Nagisa explained. "We've known each other since our first year of middle school. He'll be fine, but that doesn't mean I'm not angry at those bastards for taking him."

"Why aren't you calling the police?" Kirasaya asked urgently.

"If they were stupid enough to leave his phone in the building with him," Nagisa attempted to explain, "he'll have escaped them by this evening at the latest. Once he does, he can decide whether to tell the police or not. He's the one who got kidnapped, not me."

Kirasaya looked absolutely appalled, as did several others in the class. Nagisa was getting uncomfortable with the silence and the staring, but it wasn't stopping.

"You know, we're not doing anything today," Nagisa said, breaking the silence. "You can all just go home early if you like. I just have some work to do, anyway. Entering grades, and writing worksheets, and such." He sat down at his desk and pulled out his laptop, ignoring everyone, not wanting to talk.

Slowly, the students recovered from their shock, and started leaving the room. Kirasaya waited just outside the door and grabbed her friends as they left the classroom. Once she had them, she dragged all four of them, Kurra, Fumei, Saishuu, and Shirota, to a shed used for outdoor sports equipment.

"Hey, Akemi-chan, what's up with you?" Shirota asked when she grabbed his arm and forcefully dragged him behind the shed.

"Seriously, Akemi-chan," Saishuu looked at her with concern. "Are you alright? You've been acting strangely since that phone call. We're all worried, but if Nagisa-sensei says it's no big deal, we should trust him."

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