Chapter 2.4

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"That's perfect! Now I can leave this place and go to my family!"

What kind of family abandons you when you're just a little girl?

"I thought you could help us get out of here," Fran explains, her eyes lighting up.

"Look girl, I'm just a toad," the toad explains. "I can't carry you!"

"Well, how about this?" Fran says, pulling out a box of baking soda. I roll my eyes and begin to facepalm.

A minute has passed before anyone says anything. "I'm a toad, not a bakery bun!"

"But you're all slimy and mushy, like dough! Maybe it will make you bigger!"

The toad reluctantly agrees. I stand there in disbelief for a while until the toad begins to rapidly expand before my blue eyes. Snow shrugs, looking at me with a shocked expression.

We get on the toad and ride into the oblivion of the murky waters, waiting for the creatures of the ocean to kill us.

After riding on Mr. Toad's back...

I jumped off of the back of the toad along with Fran and our cats. "Thank you, Mr. Frog!" Fran calls out, waving goodbye. "It's about time we finally get home, don't you guys think?" she asks, grabbing my hand. I push her aside, rejecting her.

As I crossed my arms and continued walking through the forest,  Fran decided to bring up the topic of arriving at our house. "Hey, Faye? Kitties? What do you want to do when we get home?"

Mr. Midnight yawned. "Eat, of course! Eat until I fall asleep!"

"Me too," said Snow, nodding her head.

Fran giggled. "Silly cats. I'm going to take a shower and then have a nap!"

"I'm going to lock myself in my room and ignore you idiots," I say, throwing my hands up in the air.

Then a silence is born, and nobody talks until we reach a tree that has fallen over, forming a perfect bridge over a valley that is at least 70ft deep.  "This does not look safe..." I say, peering over the edge. I notice fear glimmering in Fran's eyes.

"But it's the only way home, Faye!" says Fran, pleading with me. "We at least gotta try!" Fran stepped onto the bridge. I grabbed her, dragging her back onto the solid ground.

"No," I say sternly, crouching down to Fran's height. "It's my responsibility to protect you now." No matter how much I don't want to. "Let me go first, okay?" I say, unamused that I was the oldest out of the four of us. Not to mention cats don't make very good guardians.

I ruffle her hair and take three steps onto the tree. I keep walking, and after reaching a halfway point, I turn around. Behind me I see Snow following close, but Mr. Midnight and Fran are standing on the solid ground. "Guys, it's okay. It's stable, come here," I call out.

Suddenly the wind picks up on its speed, and something feels real bad. Fran stumbled backwards, almost falling off as a dark creature appears before us, and instantly I feel an attraction for this... thing.

He's beautiful. He's perfect. He's... my parent's killer?! THIS is Fran's goat head man! She's not crazy! Or maybe... she is, and I am too? No matter how dark, how screwed up this man is, I can't deny the sudden attraction as I gaze at his bloody, murderous figure.

"Fran, you can never escape. Sooner or later, I'll get you," the creature says. But why does he not mention me? "Say goodbye, Fran."

And uncontrollably, I rush to Fran and push her off of the bridge. Mr. Midnight looks at me in horror, and before I can put my foot up to him and kick him off too, he jumps with her. "Good job," the creature says. "We'll meet again, Faye Bow-Dagenhart."

I wave goodbye perkily, which I'd never done before. Then I look down, and I notice that Fran is still alive! Agh! She's holding onto a collection of roots with a tight grip. "Oh no, Mr. Midnight! I can't hold on any longer!" Good, I think. I start to laugh maniacally. Perfect. "I don't want to die!" Fran yells at her cat.

Bloody tears are running down her face as she looks at the dry ground below her. She knows she'll die if she falls. And I do too. That was my intention. "You won't die, my friend!" Mr. Midnight calls out. What is this?! He's attempting to save her? "Come on, you can do it! Jump!" What? No!

For the first time since I pushed off Fran, I look at Snow. He clearly thinks I'm insane. I'll work on that. He'll learn what a despicable person Fran is. He'll learn. Suddenly, Fran jumped. And the cat CAUGHT her! NO!

How is this even possible? But then, the claws of the cat begin to push into her skin and draw blood, and she lets go.

Two voices yell after her and jump.

One voice laughs and falls off.

Everything went black.

Hiding outside the door, I hear

Things I wished never reached my ear

"She's a good subject, insane and such,

But until this one's born, we can't do that much"

"I'll see if I could maybe, just maybe bring 

The insane little girl in for checking"

I run to my mother, feeling a tear

"Please don't let them take me!" I call out in fear

She pulled me close, hugging me tight

And I stop crying, willpower with might

I pull away, feeling alive more than dead

But all I see is her decapitated head

I jump back to see the walls covered in blood

The creature is there, the deed is done

"It's all Fran's fault, it never was mine"

And that's what I'll believe 'til the end of time

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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