Chapter 2.3

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I wrote the story this way because too many stories have happy endings.

I jumped as Fran popped up, smiling. "I got rid of the twin sisters!" She said proudly, holding a key.

"Nah, you didn't," I say, without realizing. "Though I'm not sure if they're in Senersedee or Darkness."

"What do you mean, Sanders..? Sunny? Whatever you said or Darkness?"

"Sendersedee. It's the reality of Death. But they might be in Darkness, because they were already dead," I shrug. "Oh, they're in darkness," I say.

 "And they're about to have a bad time."

"Um, I think they're gone. They turned into little ghost girls. And their mouths erupted big black oily stuff! I think I killed them," Fran said, admitting that she had killed 2... 3? People/creatures in a day.

How did I know about these "realities"? Ever since the... "incident" with Snowball and Mr. Midnight, it seemed I had discovered a new side of myself. I was evil. At least, a side of me was. A side of me wanted to kill Fran, because she was so insolent. So tiny. So... helpless and I was so powerful.

But as my sister, my love for her beats out of that, and I refuse to lay a finger on her. This part of me asks the other side, "What were you thinking? You're insane!" These two personalities, these two sides of me, are like the First and Fifth reality. Or maybe, the Second and Fourth reality. Light, Darkness. Life, Death.

And Death is fighting hard to win.

"Well anyways, I can free Mr. Midnight and Snowball now." She walked over to where the two cats were waiting eagerly and tried inserting the key into the hole, but struggled with it.

"What's wrong, Fran?" her cat asked.

"They key! It won't fit!" she exclaimed, crying. "We were so close to saving you, a-and now..." I placed my hand over her shoulder.

"It's okay, Fran. Let's look for the real key," I tell her, as calm as possible. She starts to relax and begins to think.

"I think I saw another keyhole somewhere. Follow me," she says, energetic again. This girl doesn't even know how unlucky she -- we are. Her parents are gone. She's just found her cats. She's killed a creature and re-killed 2 girls. She's been condemned to an asylum. And yet, all she does is smile.

It bothers me. She should be feeling pain, grief, anger! Horrible emotions! But all she can think is, "I THINK I SAW ANOTHER KEYHOLE SOMEWHERE!" The problem is, I want her to feel pain. I despise her optimism. I despise happiness in general.

Or do I?

I think I just want to see her suffer. Something is wrong with me. This girl is my sunshine. Yet I want her... dead? What is my problem? Something's taking me over. Something's making me a monster! I don't understand --

"Faye, are you coming?" she asks. I walk behind this little girl and she leads me into the most beautiful bedroom I have ever seen. Well, beautiful to me. Fran was absolutely terrified. And that added to the aesthetic of the room.

A cluster of melted doll faces decorated with roses hangs in the corner above their wooden engraved bed. In a cage, a disfigured doll hangs. Several doll parts are laying at the foot of the bed in a small bin. Four lit candles stand next to the bed, a portrait of a mother and her two children hangs above it. Further over, more doll faces hang around a picture of a very intriguing creature - one with a dead goat for a head.

Suddenly, choice words come back to me...

A strange creature outside my window...

I don't like it. It scares me.

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