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Hmmmm..... well I don't know how to start this really....

I'll just say it, GARY AMBRO ! This one's for you!!!!

Everyone, when we hear the name Gary Ambro we atomatically think of class president, top model student and an all around angel, right? RIGHT?!


Fuck you Gary Ambro. Your stupid faćade is so done I swear.

You might be all wondering, "what is her problem with the living, breathing angel?" You might ask that but you don't know anything.

He is literally a devil in an angel's body.

You wonder why lil' old Maisy hates Angel Ambro?

I know that some of you knows what I'm talking about right?! I'm surely not the only one who has been a victim of Gary Ambro.

Okay here it goes....

Gary Ambro is a frickin STALKER!!! And not those lay low stalker kind but those overly border line scary pychopathic stalkers that would literally make you go insane and paranoid to the point of pulling your own hair out of insanity.

I was so paranoid these last few months because of you, you phycho!!! Not letting me get even a wink of sleep on some nights. Watching my window from across the street and following me everywhere. You insane jerk!

Anyways the event I'm going to tell you about happened a few weeks ago...

So ya'll know that we had to stay at school until so late at night last week right? We had to study for the midterm exams.

Everyone went home pretty early that time but I stayed because I want to study some more so I went home at eleven in the evening. My house was pretty far from the school, like a thirty minutes walk and since I'm sometimes on the dumb side, I decided to walk those thirty minutes.... at eleven in the night... alone...

...yeah not a smart thing to do on my part I admit, but still though.

My dad was one of those dad's who are overprotective at some things but wasn't really that strict. He bought me pepper spray a few weeks ago and it was just sitting on the bottom of my backpack untouched, well until that time.

I was passing by that small park, you know the one with the swings have vines wrap on the chains, yeah that one.

So I was passing there when I heard this strange rustling sounds from one of the bushes.

Automatically I thought it was just a cat, so I threw a stone at the Bush to make the animal come out.

But it didn't.

Instead I hear a small groan emitting from behind the bush and most people know my sense of hearing is very strong. Which means I can pretty much hear things when they whisper even if their a few meters away from me.

So there is heard he groan so I quickly shuffled to my feet and started to power walk. I rummaged my bag for the pepper spray and and my phone between my ears pretending that I'm on the phone with Chase.

It's pretty safe to say that my somewhat not horrible acting skills saved me that day.

But it didn't only happen that day.

It statted happening frequently.

Sometimes I hear the bushes on the side of our house rustle or that feeling when your sleeping but someone's watching you. Other times when I'm doing my homework or listening to songs on my phone I'd hear a tap on my window, like someone's throwing stones to it.

The house besides ours were vacant so it'd be a perfect hiding spots for creepy stalkers and other criminals out there.

Anyways that went on for more than a week. The constant rustling of the bushes, the feeling that someone was looking at me and sometimes in the middle of the night I'd hear my window getting tapped but I ignored it in fear and just pretended I as sleeping.

Even following me around in broad daylight.

I didn't even realise that I was getting paranoid and having insomnia.

People started to notice the change in me. I started to become pale and my eye bags were no joke.

I'm sure you, the people whom I showing this video to, took notice of my sudden strange behaviour.

Like ofcourse you would. I was a ball of sunshine before all of that happened, the suddenly I became a zombie.

Yikes... right?

I bet ya'll are wondering how I found out it was sweet angel Gary Ambro right?

Okay so I had this grand plan on how to catch my so called stalker. Emphasis on the stalker part.

My cousin Christian gave me these high tech night vision cameras that's the size of a coin and it had these little suctions to it so you can attach them anywhere.

So I did just that.

I attached the camera thingy on my bedroom window, somewhere inconspicuous ofcourse.

The recording of the camera goes straight to my laptop so I would be able to watch it the next day.

So I did. The next day I reviewed the whole recording and found the culprit.

I even had up close shots of him peiring through my window watching me sleep.

Dude that's just sick of you.

Don't you get laid or something? Why'd you have to go and stalk people. This creepy as hell.

I never really did anything about it because I was to disappointed of you Gary. I mean we weren't that close but we talk and I had fun talking with you and I will generally thought you were one of the good guys.

But I guess I was wrong. Yet again I was disappointed by another guy.

Why can't I just had a break for once in my life. Why can't I be happy and why can't just people stop disappointing me....


Gary Ambro's character was inspired by a character in a Korean movie I watched. This is probably the shortest chapter, just because I really don't want to drag this story.

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