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Gosh, the previous story was a bit traumatizing.

Can you believe that? Just because I slapped him? He raped me? What kind of brain does he have?

Okay, so this part of the story was set almost two weeks after "the incident".

I barely remember that day. I try to block that memory out of my mind for the past three and a half months...

Okey, let us begin

That day starts of as any other day of a teenage life...

Your alarm clock sets off and you wake up and state for a "five more minutes", but then your mom or any other family member you have, will call you and say you'll be late.

Blah, blah, blah. You'll get up and take a shower. After that you do what you gotta do and head off to school to start a fresh new day of learning fun new things

note the sarcasm.

Which half of the things you learn, you won't even need for your future.

So, that theory is off topic. Since we are cleary getting out of whatever I'm about to tell you. And besides, every teenager has a different morning routine, am I right?

Ofcourse I'm right! I frickin' googled it!!!

Sorry, sorry. I didn't... google it

As I was saying earlier, before I went on and blabbed about nonsense. There was this girl... This girl was actually my best friend. Emphasis on the 'was'.

Yeah... Anyways, are you guys dying to know why she is in this chapter? And who is the lucky girl to befriend the infamous Maisy Carson?

Drum roll please!!!!!

Its Bianca Giovani. Yep, the infamous queen b of Chasity Highschool. The head cheerleader and one of the people who ruined my life.

Yep, I just said that! And honey, if you're watching this,  just know that plastic doesn't suit you very well. I'm assuming you are watching this so...

So let us start the story that some of you (I hope) has been dying to know the details.

That day will forever will be a legendary story of Chasity High. 'The Sweetheart vs The Queen B'...

Don't look at me. I wasn't the one who gave the title, it was those dumb jocks and cheerleader who had nothing better to do than live off of the gossip that this school has to give.

Okay, the story starts like this.

I finished band practice and was about to drive home when I heard strangely wierd sounds coming from the science lab.

I went and took a look of what might those sounds be coming from. The little window of the lab wasn't exactly shut... who am I kidding, it wasn't shut at all.

And at that moment, I regreted being curious, because what I saw just made me wanna throw up dinner from last week.

Yes, that is how disgusted I was.

I saw Bianca and Ross going at it on the teacher's desk. How cliché is that? At the teacher's desk? Couldn't they pick a not clichè place to bang each other?

I mean all porn videos have like people doing it on a table... Not... that I would... know anything....
about that.

I blame Chase for sending me those unknown videos that I am still so gullible for opening them all the time, thinking that probably, just once, it would not be a porn video. But I am always disappointed, because it is ALWAYS A PORN VIDEO.

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