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I was having some "blast from the past" moment from the previous person, but I'll get over it.

After the scene I caused from the cafeteria that day, Theo hated me. Always gave me death glares whenever he catches me looking at him.

He probably won't go to my funeral...

So today's story consists of me and one of the smartest kids in school, and class president of the senior year. The one and hopefully the only Athena Reed.

She was one of the only true people I know and I was lucky enough to have her in my life. But sadly, she wasn't enough comfort to not make me do what I have been thinking about for a while.

Sad, sad story I know...

So how should I start this story....

Introduction maybe? On how Athena and I met when we were in a completely different social status.

I'm not saying that she is litterally in the bottom of the foodchain because she wouldn't be class president if she was. Her twin brother Apollo Reed is the school's star basketball player. I know what you're thinking, what's up with their names?

Their mom has this weird fettish thing about greek mythology that she named her kids after them. But why not name Athena, Artemis. After all Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo. Well, to tell you about that would be a very long and very confusing story which will be off the topic we are currently discussing.

Athena wasn't one of those 'know-it-all' type of people. Sure her GPA is more than above average but she didnt took it upon herself to taunt us everyday with her knowledge.

How can I say this? Athena is likely to be president of the United States if she wanted too but her passion for being a surgeon is not to be taken lightly. The girl is obssessed with that stuff.

Athena wasn't always part of this list of people that I wanted to say my farewells to but some circumstances change and she became one of the true people in my life.

I love Athena like a sister I never had. My mom became fond of her when she first came to our house for a sleepover. She was this golden child every parents dreamed of having. She was an example of a picture perfect daughter. Her exceptional grades, athletic stability and perfect image. She is loved and envied by many.

Although her life was perfect on the outside I discovered that her life was far from perfect behind closed doors.

A, if you're reading this, just know that I really love you and I hope that when you read this message you wouldn't think like "Since when did Mase get all sappy?". I know you're not used to me being sappy and all but everyone gets sappy in their dying moments right?

Ugh, my mascara is dripping to my cheeks. Right, so I'm getting back to the whole point of this story.

So here is how Athena Reed fits into the picture of my suicide agenda...

It was a cold spring day at Chasity Falls, winter just finished and the flowers at Queen's Park started to blossom... wait, that sounds a bit overrated for a starting of a story telling. Anywho...

It was tuesday morning and I just got to school. It was still pretty cold these days so I decided to wear my red sweater with The Flash logo etched on the upper middle. It was one of my favorite sweaters and I cherished it the most.

My mornings consist of a heaping ton of coffee and a Chase's famous grilled cheese sandwhich to help me get through the day. As always when I got to school that time Chase was already waiting for me by my locker, well considering his locker is just across from mine. Its not really a bother to him to walk from his locker to mine.

By the time I got to my locker to fetch the sandwich that Chase was holding, a commotion has erupted a little ways down the hallway. I saw Athena's striking black and red hair (cause she's a smart badass like that) in the middle of the crowd.

I saw Chase look at me with worry and we headed down the hallway to see what was going on. It was not really unusual to see Athena in the middle of a commotion cause she usually gets herself in these types of situations. I wonder why she doesn't get into trouble with the principal.

What I saw that day made my eyes water so bad. There was Athena, sprawled on the floor. Her cheeks bruised and her lips cut. She was beaten up pretty badly and she was crying loudly. Her voice hoarse from screaming at her boyfriend to stop.

Her boyfriend! ughhhh! Ross Mosby! That devil reincarnation. I swear if only killing was legal he would be six feet under by now. Let me tell you this, Athena might be really smart but she's kinda stupid when it comes to lovelife. Sorry A, but that's the truth.

As I said before, Ross has anger management issues and that applies to everyone, even his girlfriend. God knows what Athena did to make him beat the hell out of her, in public might I add.

My blood boils at the sight, my fist clenched and my jaw locked. I pushed my way through the big crowd and punched Ross across the face. That dude angers the hell out of me.

Chase and Athena's brother Apollo came to the rescue and beat the shit out of Ross. Good for them

I took Athena in my arms and guided her to stand up. She winced slightly and I rushed her towards the nurse's clinic at the west wing, to clean up her damages and check if there's any broken bones.

I'm not gonna go and put into detail what happened that day. Athena and I talked throughout the time she was in the clinic and she told me what happened that angered Manwhore Mosby that much. That day finised with me gaining a new friend and a lifelong trustworthy friend at that.

Athena and Elodie got along well and the three of us became the best of friends. But they couldn't have expected this happening. They did not suspect a thing. I'm not saying that I'm mad because of their cluelessness, I'm actually relieved because it made this suicide thing a lot easier.

A, I know that you love me like a sister and you would be very very mad because of this and I would also know that you would cry and I don't want to see that. Think of my departing as a way of celebrating my life. I've got a new journey ahead of me, even though you guys wouldn't be with me through that journey...

Right now, you are probablly at the hospital healing because of the incident last week, hahaha. You might read this while you're there or when you're already home but that doesn't matter.

Always remember to smile more and I hope you find your true prince charming. I love you A, always remember that.


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