“Hunters?” Scott was clearly avoiding questioning the other half of the statement.

“Far off. He almost died.” Theo raised a brow. “I thought you praised him for being so strong. I don't see it.” With those final words, Theo stood up and he headed towards the door.

“Wait, you can't just leave. Where were they?”

“Not far from here. They're probably looking for us. Unlike you, though, I have to find somewhere to hide so until I devise a plan to save myself.” Scott didn't press any more, and Theo exited the house, taking one last glance behind him to see Liam slowly sitting up. ‘Tch. About time,’ he thought.

Liam's POV

Liam groaned as he sat up. His vision was fuzzy, his head was pounding, his cheek was stinging, and he felt like he'd just tried challenged someone to a slap fight that got real intense, real quick. As his eyes adjusted, he managed to make out the surroundings around him, but couldn't quite process where he was. It was definitely familiar, but he was too focused on his pain to figure it out.

“Liam, are you okay?”

Oh. Scott.


Liam whipped his head around to look for Scott, and once he did lay eyes on him, he panicked. “Oh, God, I- Scott, I'm so sorry, I-I don't know how I got here, I swear. You didn't have to return, I promise I'm handling everything fine. Theo isn't causing trouble, I think, and I just- we're okay, I'm sorry,” Liam rambled, using wide hand gestures.

“Liam, Liam, I don't know what you're going on about, but I'm not worried. It's okay. I trust you.”

Liam felt himself relax at Scott's words. “Really?” he asked softly. “‘Cause I don't even know if I trust myself…”

“You're fine. Don't worry.” Scott sat down on the couch as Liam adjusted himself so that he was sitting up as well. “Theo brought you here. He said you were almost killed-”

“-by hunters…,” Liam finished,  burying his face in his hands. “Argh… I messed up. I didn't- I wasn't paying attention, I didn't know they were there!”

“It happens to the best of us-”

“I bet it's never happened to YOU!”

“Not really like that, but… I was in love with a hunter… and I couldn't even tell she was one.” Scott chuckled, but it sounded pained and sorrowful.

“Allison… right? Lydia… would talk about her sometimes... “

“Yeah... “ Scott was silent for a moment. “But it's okay that Theo had to save you. It means he's changing. He helped you. You're doing a good job keeping an eye on him. I was right to trust you, and you just need to have more confidence in yourself.”

“I-” Liam cut himself off. He couldn't tell Scott that he had forgotten to watch Theo. Scott would probably lose that trust he had in Liam quicker than the Flash. “Okay…”

Scott gave a smile and patted Liam's shoulder reassuringly. “Alright.”

“Why're you back in Beacon Hills?” The question had been tucked in the back of Liam's head and had finally made its way in front.

“I miss it here. I wanted to come for a visit. Oh, and I'm also becoming the assistant lacrosse coach.” Scott grinned. On any other occasion, Liam would've actually been excited that Scott was returning to Beacon Hills, but in his current situation - what, with forgetting everything and failing classes - he wasn't very keen on the idea. However, he forced a grin.

“Wow! That's great!” he said, giving a thumbs up. Scott laughed and nodded.

“Isn't it? I'll be able to see how the team’s coming along, I'll get to see coach, and I'll be able to help you, Corey, and Mason out! Speaking of Corey and Mason-” oh boy, here came the questions “-where are they?”

“Uhhh, not sure,” Liam replied, shrugging. He wasn't lying. He had no idea where they were. Oh, yeah. Probably at school. Where he was supposed to be, too. It was a wonder why Scott was asking about that instead. “I'm glad though!” That wasn't entirely a lie. He WAS glad Scott was there. He just hoped he wouldn't disappoint him.


A/N: A rather short chapter than what I had planned, I'm sorry! I have currently gotten no sleep bc I have to help my brother keep watch that no one steals out generator. That's right. We lost electricity. We have to use a generator. Thing is, my mom didn't wanna turn it off overnight bc of the fridge, and, like, completely understandable. So, it's five in the morning and I haven't slept at all. The chapter would've been longer but we had no electricity almost all day until, like, ten at night when my dad and brother got the generator working. Plus, the lake we live by was overflowing so. I promise hopefully that the next chapter will be longer! And... well, better.

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