Chapter 1

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Summer had already ended. Usually most teenagers would kill if school started a few days later or maybe months. But for Lana's case, She was really excited. It was her first day in High School meaning new people, new rules and a whole new environment.

Lana's Pov

OH MY GOHD!!!! I'm finally starting high school oh my friggin god omg..omg ..omg!!

I turned my head to check my alarm just to see. I'M LATE!! I went running to the bathroom and got all groomed and clean. I ran down stairs and said hi to my mother, my 3 sisters and my 4 brothers. After I literally scarfed down my breakfast I ran towards my houses exit and walked my way to school.

Narrators Pov

Everyone was already settled inside school except for Lana who was still running her life to get there in time. Which in fact wasn't going to work since there was a load of traffic through the streets and she was still 8 squares away from her school. In her desperate walk she saw a car with her school's logo on it and out of curiosity decided to ask the driver if they studied in that school by any chance. "Er..Do you study at V-Altea High?" Lana asked while getting closer to the car.

"Yeah, I do actually!" Said a kind looking girl with dark skin and short hair.

"Mind giving me a lift? I'm kinda running late and it would suck if I got there last on my first day of High School." Lana said while wiping drops of sweat from her forehead.

"Sure girl! Hop in!" Said the cheery girl while opening the door of her car.

Lana fastened her seatbelt and stared at the window on the way to the school.

"What grade are you going to? Wait never mind you said it was your first day of High School." The curvy girl without taking her eyes off the road which relieved Lana.

After the girls finally got to school they parted ways.

"The name's Hope by the way!" Said the girl while running towards her classroom.

Lana's Pov

Uhh.. I have not clue what classroom my home room is in.

"Lost?" A gentle voice said with what you would call an English accent.

"Was I too obvious?" I said while staring towards the voice.

"Not really. Just that you're looking at the school map which people only use when they have no clue where their way is." The dark skinned good looking guy with silver hair and English accent said.Honestly why is he at school and not working for a modeling agency.

"I'm Azure by the way." The Prince looking male said while gently smiling.

"Lana." I said without even thinking if it would sound stupid or something.

"Okay Lana. I'm the Student Council President so I will be guiding you to your first class. Which luckily is the same class I'm taking."

"Really? I didn't think anyone here would actually be interested in art class." I said while walking through the long none ending hallway.

"I'm not a fan of making art but I admire other people's work. Frankly I don't know how to draw for shit." Azure suddenly went quiet after noticing his slip of word.

"What's wrong did the cat bite your tongue off?" I said while giggling.

"We're here. Might as well adjust yourself and find a seat. Why don't you go and sit next to Katherine?" Azure pointed while closing the door.

I walked towards this really pretty girl who looked kinda emo if that's even a way to describe someone.

"Hi, I'm Lana." I said while smiling and setting my materials on my desk.

No answer.

Well I guess she's not the social type..

"Oh sorry! Did you say something?" Katherine said while taking her earbuds off.

"I'm Lana. Nice to meet you." I pulled off my widest grin while staring at her.

She stared at me with confusion and disgust? Then she smiled. What the hell? Girl choose what expression you're using!

"I'm Katherine. I'm a Junior, I love shopping at Hot Topic and I hate cliche stuff." She said while sketching something on her notebook.

"Uh. I'm new here so I kind of know no one. Earlier I met Hope and Azure!" I said while trying to sound cheery and ended up sounding like if I was on drugs.

"You're a weird one. I like you." She said while placing her pencil down.

Narrators Pov

The class had ended and Lana was getting ready for her next class which she hoped had anyone she acknowledged so she wasn't a total outsider in the class.

She walked towards her locker where she found two dudes that were kind of cute but looked like those movie jocks.

"Dude Shirley is totally into me. She winked at me!" Said an average height boy next to what it looked like a undercut Hazel haired dude.

"And who are you sweetheart? New to the school?" Said the blonde dude next to the Hazel haired.

"Tch." Lana dissed while closing her locker and walking away.

"She's rude. It totally turns me on!" The blonde dude yelled while running through the hallways.

"Nikolas, you're an arse you know that right?" The hazel haired dude said while following behind the blonde one.

The blonde dude simply chuckled and walked towards the lunch room with his best friend.

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