Part 10

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I was in on the floor laying on my stomach as I watch tv and my eyes were surprised. "What a entertaining show....". I said. Then I heard foot steps and then it stopped. "Hey~". A voice said. I looked up to see Lui. "Oh hello Lui". I said. "What are you watching?" He said. "This show called Pretty Little Liars". I said looking at the tv again. " Pffffft! That show's lame. Here watch this". He said. He laid down next to me and took the remote. He then change the channel and it soon stopped to some show. It was anime I could tell. It was filled with fighting and aliens and normal humans fighting enemies that come to earth. I was amazed. How could I not seen this show? "Wow..... What is this show?" I said. "It's called Dragon Ball Super. Haven't you seen it before?" He said. "To be completely honest with you, I have seen any shows for years". I said. His eyes widen. "Ok princess your watching this with me". He said. I blushed softly and nodded. We continued to watch the show and I was already enjoying it. That is until I felt a breeze on my back. I shivered until I felt a blanket cover me from my head to feet. I look to see that Lui put the blanket on himself too. "I saw you were cold so I got a blanket". He said. I stared at him then smiled. "Thanks". I said. I felt his arm wrap around me and I gave in. That is until someone in the room cleared their throat. We turned around to see Vanoss. "Oh hello Vanoss". I said. "...... Hi". He said glaring at Lui. Lui only smirked. "Lia I like to take you somewhere". He said. Lui chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. "I think that could wait Vanoss. I was just showing her Dragon Ball S-". Lui said but was cut off by Vanoss grabbing me away from him. "I'm the leader so I can do whatever I like". Vanoss said. Lui growled lowly. Why are they fighting over me? "Hey Lui? We can watch the show later, ok?" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Ok". He said and got up and held my cheek. "I'll be waiting~". He said. "Ok! That's enough! C'mon Lia!" Vanoss said dragging me away. "But where are we going?" I said. "Somewhere. It's a surprise". He said. We got outside and then we made our way to a red Audi. Your probably wondering how I knew what car it was. Brandon use to work at a car dealership before he died. "Here". He said and opened the passenger door for me. "Aw. Thank you". I said and got in. He close the door and then got to the driver seat. "You still not gonna tell me where we're going?" I said. "Yep". He said. "Aw! I hate surprises!" I said then pouted. He laughed. Then he grabbed my chin to make me look at him. "Don't you worry about it Angel. We won't take long". He said. I blushed then nodded. Soon he turned on the car and drove off. I looked out the window. "Your like a child. You don't need to look out the window like that". He said. "Hmph! Well I still am a child per say". I said pouting. "Hmph Alright then". He said with a smirk. Soon we made a stop. "We're here". He said. I looked around and saw the house and a old cabin near a lake. "What are we doing here?" I said. "Well I don't really tell anyone this but..... this is where my family have passed". He said. My eyes widen. "Your family passed here?" I said with a frown. He nodded. "I was 16 years old at the time. We came here for a mini vacation. Me, my parents, and my sister. We would come here when we would go camping". He said touching the wall of the cabin. " Then... IT happen. Some.... idiots thought it would be a great idea and start killing my family. My family died from bullets and blood loss. Though they got me too". He said. "Where?" I said quietly. He lifted up his shirt and I saw four scars on his back. He then lifted his shirt down. "I was lucky to survive. Unfortunately my family didn't. I was depressed for a while and I was put into foster care because no one else in my family were alive". He said. "Did..... your family love you?" I said. "Yeah... I miss them so much. But then I met Delirious. My best friend. Then we met the others and we became a ruthless gang". He said as we walked to the board walk to the lake. We sat down on as our legs hang in from the end of the boardwalk. "Why did you tell me this?" I said. "I thought I trust you enough since you are part of my gang". He said. "Oh well..... at least you had a loving family. All I had was one loving family member". I said. "Yeah..... you miss him?" Vanoss said. "I really do. He was my only friend. My protector. My everything. That is until that gang showed up". I said. "Why did your family hate you?" He said. "It wasn't always me. It was Brandon too. They just hate us for no reason. But they would target Brandon first then me. I would be verbally abused and....". I said but cutting myself off trying not to think of the past. I felt his hand on mine. "And what?" He said. "And physically and mentally abused". I said and showed him the scars on my arms from the physical abuse. He frowned. "I'm sorry". I said. "No don't be. It's alright. Your not with your parents anymore. Your with us. We wouldn't hurt you". He said. Then there was silence until I broke it. "Why?" I said. He gave me a confused look. "Why did you ask me to be apart of your gang? I mean, I've heard lots of rumor about you and the ruthless things you guys do but what makes me so special?" I said. "We maybe ruthless Dahlia but we have a heart for the people we love. That means we watch each others backs if anyone of us is in danger. That includes you too. We will keep you safe and won't let anyone harm you". He said. We looked at each other and I smiled. "Thank you Vanoss". I said. "Your welcome but I should be the one thanking you. I really do like talking to someone and getting things out of my chest". He said. "Same here". I said. We stared at each other and soon feel him moving closer to my face. I then felt his lips brush off mine. I blushed really bad. Before he did anything, his phone rang. I heard him growl lowly. He then picked it up. "I'm kinda busy right now so this better be important Mini". Vanoss said. Then there was silence. "Ugh Fine. We're going back". He said then ended the call then stands up. "What's going on?" I said and got up too. "They found someone that was trying to seek into the house. So now I need to be there and see this person for myself. C'mon". He said. I nodded and we went back to the car and then drove off.

The Demon Inside Me (Vanoss crew fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن