Part 3

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We got her to sleep and we transfer the machine to the tv." Now we could see what she is thinking". Mini said." Good". I said and all of us went to the tv to watch." What's your name?" I said." I'm Dahlia Anderson". She said." Never heard of that name". Nogla said."Cmon sis, everything is going to be ok". A boy said." Who is that your with?" I said." Brandon their going to get us". She said." I won't let them hurt you Dahlia. Your my little sister and I won't let them get you". He said." Who is he talking about?" I said and a door to that room they were in opened loud." Leave us alone mom!" He said." Get out of my way you piece of trash!" She push him out of the way to the walls." Stop it!" Lia said and punch her in the face." Woah". Wildcat said." Mom I'm sorry". Lia said." How dare you! Sorry is just a word that doesn't mean anything. Only babies use it. And I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, you pathetic thing brat". She said and punched Lia in the face." Why did we have kids like you?" She said and slammed the door shut." Sis you ok?" He said." No". Lia said." Cmon, we are leaving". He said." This is too hard to watch, just fast forward to more years. Mini said and I did." Where are we going Brandon?" Lia said." To the store, we need more food". He said then a group of men with guns came." Guys isn't that The Oyxcens?" Delirious said." Yeah but they been out for years". I said." Sis run!" He said and they went running." Brandon I'm scared". Lia said." I won't let them hurt you Dahlia". He said and she closed her eyes." Why is she closing her-?" I said and then gunshots came out and Lia opened her eyes to see her brother dead." Brandon?!?" She said." Brandon wake up!" She said and then started to cry." You said you wouldn't leave me!" She said." This is interested and sad at the same time". Nogla said and everyone agreed. Then a guy came and pointed a gun at Lia." Now it's your turn little girl". He said." Her angrier pressured is going up". Mini said." You hurt my brother. I will hurt you". Lia said and started to attack him. Then she started to laugh maniacally and look at a broken glass bottle." Please have mercy". He said and Lia started to stab him in the stomach." Woah, she crazy". Wildcat said." Like me!" Delirious said. Then Lia look to see the rest of the Oyxcens." She crazy!" One guy said." When you go to the woods today, you'll find a big surprise, piles of blood and knives and gore, we're gonna kill them tonight". She sang and the started to run but somehow she grabbed them with dark black arms. She started to rip them apart and blood was getting all over the place." My stomach". Mini said and went to the bathroom to puke." This is what you get for hurting my brother".
She said and looked over to her brother." I'll miss you big bro". She said." I'll never forget the phrase you tell me". She said." Before you start something, you better know what your doing it for". She said and kiss her brother's forehead." I think that's all we need to know about her". I said and turned off the tv." That was sad". Delirious said." Yeah it was". Cartoonz said." Maybe that's why she's so cocky and fiesty". Wildcat said." Yeah maybe". I said and then Mini came back coughing." Is it over?" Mini said." Yeah". I said and he looked relieved." Was that to sickening for you Mini?" Cartoonz said teasing." YES! YES IT WAS!" Mini said." But she killed all of the Oyxcens by herself still intrigues me". I said." Yeah". Basically said." So what do we do?" Lui said." It's either ask her to join us or to kill her". I said." I say get her to join us. Her strength and attitude could be a use for us". Nogla said and everyone agreed." Then it settled. We let her in the group". I said." But we aren't sure about her agreeing to be in the group". Mini said." Yeah I ask her in the morning". I said and went to my room to sleep. Then I heard a some crying from the machine room."*sniffs* Brandon *sniffs*". She said. She was crying over her dead brother. I don't blame her. I had family that died from a shooting as well. I went into my room and got in my bed and fell asleep.

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