"Been a long time, eh?" I said as they all glared at me "Let's talk in the big house. Chiron needs to hear this anyway." I said while they all nodded as I walked out the Athena cabin to see everyone still staring at me in shock and disbelieve "How's camp been?" I said turning my head to see everyone else "Not great." Connor said while I nodded "I can tell by the looks of everything." I said looking at the cabins to see most of them were abandoned "How many campers do we have?" I said as we neared the big house.

"Around sixty to seventy, Perce. Not a lot." Travis said while I nodded "So where have you been?" Katie demanded "I'll explain everything once we get to the big house. Let's just say I've been busy." I said as we appeared on the big house porch to see Chiron and Dionysus playing cards again "Looks like I win again Dionysus." Chiron said while Dionysus glared at him.

"Excuse me, Chiron." I said as Chiron and Dionysus spun around and looked at me in shock "How-" he started but I quickly intervened, tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. "I'll explain soon, but now, I need to speak with you and the cabin leaders about some important things." I said with seriousness in my voice which he must've noticed because the shocked expression was wiped off his face and replaced with a determined one.

"Of course, come on." He said getting out of his magical wheelchair and appeared in horse form "How are you here?" Dionysus demanded as I looked at him "How I'm here is none of your business, wine god. Go to Olympus where you belong, you are no help whatsoever." I spat as his eyes widened then narrowed "Watch who you're talking to kid." he said while I laughed.

"You are not the powerful being in this room, I am. Do not test me because if you do, I will show you true power. Power you will only dream of achieving." I spat shoving past him and towards Chiron as a light entered the room, then vanished "Percy, what did you mean?" Travis said while I looked back at them "You don't know?" I said confused "Know what?" Malcolm said curiously while I looked at Crystal, Jennifer, and Zoe "We aren't going to answer the millions of questions. That's for thee." Zoe said while I sighed but nodded nonetheless. "Come on. I'll explain to you my past and why I'm so powerful."


After receiving multiple slaps and kicks to the jewels, all delivered from your dearest Zoe Nightshade, I finally started to explain my past. Once I finished explaining my past, everyone minus those who knew from the quest to save Artemis were looking at me wide eyed "That's awesome." Connor said after a long moment of silence while Travis nodded "Is that why you didn't return from Olympus last year?" Malcolm said while I nodded "Most of the Olympians tried to kill me. This was the perfect excuse to get me onto the Titans side and see what I can gather. I had to return earlier than expected though." I said sitting down in a beanbag that was against the wall.

"Why?" Travis said while we rolled our eyes "Tyler, Travis. He had to come back to keep Tyler's power under control. As you can tell before they went on the quest, his powers were getting out of hand. Reacting to his emotions and causing damage to the camp." Chiron said looking at me while I nodded "Understandable. But how did he become so powerful in only four years?" He said again while everyone looked at me while I rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"That is mostly my fault. I shouldn't have taught him so much in such a short time and I've taught him a lot." I said "What?" Malcolm said curiously "I can name a few." Jennifer said as everyone looked at her "He can pull water from the air. The first time he did this was on the quest to save Artemis. He nearly killed us but summoned a pretty big wave and directed it towards Ladon, whom was about to munch on Percy for dinner." she said slightly glaring at me while I rubbed my leg, still feeling Ladon's teeth sink into my leg "He can also do what Percy calls, vapor travel. Like shadow travelling, but instead of shadows, he turns himself into water and teleports somewhere else." she said while everyone's eyes widened.

Percy Jackson Champion of the PrimordialsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum