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'Eren ... Eren ... Eren! ' I heard a voice in my head. It echoed.
"EREN! " someone shouted, this time much louder. I opened my eyes. A young black-haired girl was standing over me. Her face was filled with fear, insecurity and concern.
"Mi ... Mikasa? What happened?"
I asked, confused.
"You mumbled in your sleep and ... I thought it was a nightmare so I decided to wake you up. Is everything alright?"

"No ... It was never right ..." I whispered, and the dark-haired woman looked at me sadly. I rubbed my forehead with the back of hand,it was sweaty and sticky.Indeed, a nightmare ... I looked around the room. I was lying on the bed in a stranger's room. Apart from the bed and the desk with the chair attached to it, nothing was special.

"Where am I?"
"You are in the hospital room. You do not remember? After the fight with the titans and after you have transformed ... you fainted. We hardly got you back ... "

Yeah, now I remember. The pure rage, the enormous power and strength that exhausted me and my body. Last time, when I was saving Mikasa and Armin, the blood was flowing from my nose ... But that was nothing! It is important that I help humanity fight these monsters!
"Mikasa ..." I interrupted her. "I ... I did not hurt anyone, did I?"
"No, Eren. You remembered ... this time" I was relieved. I did not want to be harmed again like Mikas did ... I still could not believe I wanted to kill her.

"Eren ..." Mikasa looked at me anxiously and touched my cheek tenderly.
"Stop worrying, stupid," I whispered.
"Wherever you are, I'll be there ..."

"I'm not a kid! "I snapped.

"Oi, brats! - I heard a man, low voice. On the frame was leaning a pretty, black-haired man in a green cape. As usual, his face was bored and indifferent.

"heichou ..." I was surprised. Suddenly I heard an evil hiss coming from Mikasa's lips. She looked at the corporal with her angry, terrifying gaze. She looked as if she wanted to tear her head away.

"Oi, are you so kind to me for your brother's rescue?" Hissed Levi. Mikasa jerked and relaxed a little, but still the fire of hatred was still burning in her eyes. I think she will never forgive him ...
"M-Moment! Levi heichou ...? Have you saved me? "I interjected.
"This is not the first and I suspect not the last time, brat" he snorted and walked a few steps toward us. Mikasa clenched her fists. "If you could only kill with eyesight, I'd be dead" he said grimly.

"Oh, if It was so easy ..." she hissed, for which Levi sighed briefly.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes, a little better. Thank you for your concern and ... for your salvation"

The man gave me an impassive look.
"If you did not control yourself, that
would have been the end of it" the answer shook me slightly. Does he just think of killing me here? Probably dreaming of that ... hah - Mikasa got me out of my thoughts and she was boiling.

"Moment ... " I looked at the dark-haired man, who looked at her with interest in cobalt eyes. It was about her, right? He just wanted to piss her off more!
"Mikasa? Where is Armin? "I asked to change the subject, but she hardly devoured the corporal's gaze. Oh ... What now?
"Eren !!" I heard a shrill voice. A boy with bright hair and blue eyes looked up into the room.
"Armin!" I smiled widely. Alive! Mikasa, Armin and even Levi! The rest does not count ...

"Mikasa! Stop killing the Corporal with your eyes!"
He reminded her. The girl narrowed her eyes and focused on Armin. Maybe Mikasa and I were more connected, but no one like Armin could manage us. At one point I noticed that the corporal slowly began to withdraw from the room.
"Um ... Captain Levi! "I called after him. The man stopped and looked at me coolly.

"M-Many people ... died?" I felt like I was not there at all, but that did not mean that
"I think about thirty, but I can be wrong ..."
"I understand" I murmured and looked down. Always ... always someone must die?
"Eren!" I looked at the cobalt iris.

"You did well" I felt a strange embrace in my heart. Did Corporal ... just praise me? He had the same expressionless expression, but ... he probably said it seriously.
"Thank you, sir! Corporal also ...!"

I started, but he was already out of the room at the time. I watched a few more seconds to the place where he stood. Then I looked at Armin and Mikasa conspiratorially. Blondy lowered his jaw in astonishment, and the girl narrowed her eyes suspiciously. However, it still did not reach me ...
"Eren...Corporal Levi...praised you!"

Shocked blue-eyed said.
"I do not know what happened" I said, wiping my eyes. "I think I'm still asleep..." After a second we burst out laughing.
"Eren! You're just...!" Wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.
"People, I'm so glad we're together!" "I said honestly, and Armin grabbed me and Mikasa's hands."We have to stay" together ...
"Yes. Always and everywhere"

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