Bloody bastards

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Third person

"Ward must have a weakness, everyone has one.  Any people he mentioned, is objects anything,"  Coulson interrogated. He had the find the answer. It was the only way to bring Fitzsimmons back, and not in a body bag.
His family was dead. Garrett was dead. Kara was dead. He had no connections that were alive.
" I think I have an idea," Daisy started," firstly wards younger brother, he always said he cared for him, second he once mentioned when talking to me he mentioned a she, I don't think he even noticed it slipped. And also every few weeks he always asked for a day of in England, of all places and we know he wasn't contacting Hydra since they used the SHEILD back channels. I could try and hack the GHQ to get some leads," she offered.  She wanted to do whatever she could to get Ward behind bars. She used to look up to him, even have a slight crush on him; but now her opinions was ruined by the anger he had caused, the pain and nothing would stop her from getting her revenge.
It had barely been an hour before Skye called everyone back into the office. She had found something.
" So as I was checking for any surveillance feeds that included Ward," she began, " and a couple days ago he was spotted not to far from Convent gardens and a two months earlier he was seen in Sheffield, but every single time he was seen in England their was always the same girl next to him. I tried looking at her file but technically she doesn't exist. So why would ward be so interested in someone who doesn't exist," Skye concluded.
"looks like we're going to England then,"

Robin was trapped. And scared to say the least but if she learnt one thing from Grant it was to never how the enemy your fear. Two knives. She'd taken on worse.
The two men were advancing quickly, knives at the ready but it was obvious they were both beginners. Sweat trickled down all three of the humans in the alley all unsure of what would actually happen next. Many things could of happened, but no one expected a team of fully trained agents to come and rescue Robin.
Robin did not like the current surprise. Two agents were dragging her down Ellis street, pulling her towards a black truck. The stronger of the two agents pulled out a gun and in one quick movement Robin's vision clouded over and she passed out.


Light tiptoed into the quinjet, awakening Robin from her slumber. Gingerly, she pushed her self into a sitting position, but to no avail. She was handcuffed to a pole next to where she was sitting.
In the distance she heard a muffled argument, a familiar voice dominating the conversation.
Moving her head slightly she saw someone she didn't think she would ever lay eyes on again.
"Thomas," a gasp escaped her as Robin stared at some of her only family left, one of the last people she could truly trust. But before she could utter another word her captors where on the phone.
"Ward we have something you might want, take a look," the camera quickly flashed to me revealing my tartered leotard,
" I take two of yours so you take one of mine, like I said one coin two sides though I don't think you have it to take it all," my brothers crackling voices sneered through the phone, if he knew where I was he would come and get me, he always does, he has to , he can't leave... I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt the hard metal of a gun press into my temple - hard. My breath staggered, a faint cry catching in my throat. 
" If you lay a finger on Robin or Thomas .." but grant was cut of as my captor flicked the phone off.
The gun moved from my head as them three people who had kidnapped me moved to the centre of the quinjet.
"Please don't kill me," my brother pleaded, fear echoing through his voice. Since the well even the little things terrifying Thomas, so being held hostage and gun point was definitely not his cup of tea.
The tall, blonde walked up to me, removing the duct tape glueing my mouth, " No one wants that,"
But before I could reply with a witty comeback, Thomas decided to speak up again, a bit more confidence in his voice " That's not very reassuring when he has a gun to you head."
" well," started the other kindnapper, his English accent evident," your brother isn't a very good man,"
No one , and I mean no one, ever Criticises Grant. They just made me angry and an angry Robin is never good," well your one to talk, you bloody bastards. Are all the good guys kidnapping defenceless children, because where I'm from that's illegal. If I were you I would return from where you found me before I get a chance to murder you all on site," the plane has slowly started to shake during my rant, the lights flickering.
All I could see was a tunnel of red, of anger. They were the enemy, the evil in the world. But I was pulled from my thoughts of revenge and destruction.
"Robin, just calm down, relax. Breath in, breath out ok. Just relax."

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