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When the sky began to darken, Grant dropped me off at Ashdene Ridge again, promising that he would visit again as soon as the aftermath of SHEILD falling settled down. The day went well, he had took me to a resturaunt for lunch, we went to the movies, but best of all we talked. Because of Grants job I never really get to call him since the call can be tracked, so it was nice to just spend the day, not constatly looking over our shoulders to make sure their wasn't a threat and just talk about life, about my ballet and school.

After Grant vacated the premisise, I tried as best as I could to get to my room without being questioned by anyone about my location today, and lets just say I failed, miserably, to the likes of a 8 year old girl.

Once Floss had destroyed my plans of escaping to my room, I was unwillingly forced into the communial ligving room, where everyone was watching a movie: which happened to be GhostBusters. There was only two couches, a pair of beanbags, a few vacant spots on the floor and with 15 kids it can become extremly cramped, but for some very strange reason it didn't dampen my mood, and I actually enjoyed the movie. By the end the majority of the kids under the age of 11 were quietly sleeping. They looked so peaceful and blissful. The remainder of us ( a good 9 people ) began the ascent up to our rooms, trying not to wake anyone.

After changing into my Harry Potter pajamas , I shuffled towards the girls bathroom, slighlty doozing of on the way there. As I began to brush my teeth, very slowly due to the fact that I was basically sleeping standing up, when the door opened, in walking Jodie, Tee and Carmen. I personally blame it on my sleepiness, but I instantly disgarded the toothpaste in my mouth a started apologizing tot he three of them.

" I'm so sorry for how I acted before, it was uncalled for and rude and you guys were just tying to be nice, I just wasn't very happy about having to move again. Can we maybe be friends," I confessed, something I never do.

Tee was quick to answer with a yes shortly follwed by Carmen, yet Jodie just stood there slightly glaring at me.

"Okay..... but i want an answer. Who were you with today?" she inquired.

Sucking in a breath I responded, " That was my brother, Granth. He lives in America, "

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