Ch.24: If The End Is Now

Start from the beginning

She got up and started towards the kitchen. "What's her name again? Holy shit, James." She kept going. Then I understood. While she seemed okay with this enormous news, she still hadn't processed it completely. She understood the words, and knew what they all meant. But the Charlotte in front of me was the Charlotte who was trying really hard not to freak out and who was slowly losing the battle.

"When do you think we should invite them over? Oh my, we'll obviously have to talk to Bastian first and explain to him that he has a new little sister. And our friends, we'll obviously also have to tell them." She laughed and grabbed a cookie from the tray on the island. She took a bite. "We should do it tonight since Rose and her family will be here any minute now. Better now than later. Am I right? Maybe we could meet your daughter tomorrow. Maybe lunch? I mean obviously you'd have to check what Sarah's schedule is like."

She laughed again and took another cookie then turned toward the fridge which she opened. I got up and went to her. She didn't make a move to retrieve anything from the fridge which she still had her head in. The cold air blasting around us. I could hear her shaky breath. I took her arm, pulled her to me and closed the fridge door which had started beeping for being open for too long.

"Babe," she turned, her eyes pointing down. She wouldn't look at me and it broke my heart. With a finger under her chin, I softly pulled her head up. And as our eyes finally met and she closed hers, a single tear fell on her cheek. "I'm sorry." Those were the only words I could get out before my voice broke.

She shook her head and finally opened her eyes. Red and wet. "No, I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying. I'm being stupid. It's the hormones. It's fine, I'll be okay. You have a daughter and oh, my God. I'm guessing it must have been a crazy day for you_" She was saying then in a moment, something happened. She stopped in midsentence and pulled away, frowning as she looked up at me. A step back.

"You say you met her today. When have you known of her existence?"


"When, James?" Her eyes hardened. I was fucked.

"Four months ago." I replied. She nodded as a chuckle escaped her lips but there was no humor in the way her eyes hardened.

One minute the cookie tray was sitting on the island, next a loud sound resonated in the whole place as it made contact with the floor, barely missing me in its passage. Cookies now scattered around.

"Fuck. You."

And then the elevator dinged, the automated voice announcing the arrival of someone. Charlotte was still staring at me with wide eyes, as they were still glued on me, her nose flaring. Her intake of air making the movement of her body noticeable.

"Charlotte, please..." I was saying but could not get anything else out as I heard voices coming from the elevator, I heard her name being called out and footsteps approaching. She shook her head and went down on the floor to pick up the tray and the now inedible cookies. I followed down and reached out to her.

"Get the fuck away from me." She growled and got up and without another word, She took another long look at me and made her way towards Rose and her family.

"Fuck." I got up right as Levy ran to me and hugged my foot. Laughing happily.


There was a feeling of dread that took over my body when I finally left Bastian's room after having read him the two books that he had picked out for the night. To say that I was wanting for his night time routine to never end would have been the understatement of the century. I knew what was waiting for me and I hadn't wanted to walk into that shit storm when I knew there would be no way I would walk out of there with a happy smile on my face. It was very cowardly, yes, and I would gladly take being called a coward if it meant this whole mess would be over.

Contrary to what I had imagined, the night wasn't horrible. Charlotte and I held appearance for our guests as best as we could, though Charlotte made it her mission to avoid me as best as she could. It hurt but I understood. But then every once in a while her eyes would land on me, her face set with determination. I begged silently for....something! I would have preferred anything over the silence that was between us.

I wanted them to be gone, to leave so that we could be alone and that I could then try to mend what I had surely broken. I wanted them to leave so I could fall to my knees in front of her and beg her to forgive me. I was stupid and I made a mistake because I was human and I wasn't perfect and if only she could have it in her pefect forgiving heart to forgive me, to let it go, then I would never again hide a thing from her.

And then as they were finally leaving, I could have given anything for them to stay a little longer because the longer they were there, the longer I didn't have to face what was waiting for me. Yes I was a coward.

I knocked once. Just a soft scrape on the door. Something I had never done in the more than three years we had been leaving together. I waited and when nothing was said, I pushed the door open and entered our bedroom. Charlotte was sitting on the bed, staring at the door I had entered through. I noticed the bag sitting next to her. I stopped and shook my head.

"Charlotte, please_" I started but couldn't finish as she threw the bag in my direction which landed right at my feet.

"Get the fuck out."


Oooh Darcy is in so much trouble!!! Charlotte is pissed!!! What do you think of her reaction? A bit much? Too little? I want to know what you have to say!

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