Escorting the rogue

Start from the beginning

"See you guy's in the morning" I said as I walked out the door with the wolf following me.

The first ten minute's were completely silent between us, making it slightly awkward. But I know I have to try convince him to leave his brother's pack.

"So, what's you're name, I can't keep calling you rogue or wolf" I said.

Still nothing, just as I'm about to say something else he answer's,

"Dillon, my name's Dillon" he answered.

"How long have you been a rogue?" I asked hoping I will find the right thing to say eventually.

"Since I turned twelve, so five year's ago. Look, it's not the life I wanted, but Keith is all I have left of my family after our parent's were killed, along with all of our pack. We only survived because our parent's hid us. But then again you probably already know that, they said you can read my thought's and see my memories" he said looking at me this time.

"I have seen some of you're memories and thoughts but not all of them. Just the less protected one's" I said honestly.

"So you probably think I'm a fool, like the Dark Angel?" he asked, almost seeking my approval for wanting to stay with his brother.

"I'm not here to judge you, he is all the family you have left so I understand you're need to stay with him. But you have seen the changes in him. I couldn't get a clear image of him from you, you have the man he used to be and the man he is now mashed together, so much so he looks like a blur" I answered.

"You're right, I know he has changed for the worst. Since our parent's died, his only thoughts have been of getting more power and taking any packs that he can so he has an army strong enough to kill the pack that killed ours" he said sadly.

"But it's not what you want, you want a life and you know that his actions could get all of you killed and he is so far gone that he can't even see that. But you do, you have the opportunity to leave now without any of them knowing, you can start afresh somewhere else. Have the life you want, even find you're mate" I said as I stopped walking and face him.

Looking at him, I can see he wants everything I have said but the pain of leaving his brother is near unbearable for him.

"Maybe he will find his mate and that will pull him back from the edge before its too late" he said with hope in his eyes.

"Maybe, but it's not guaranteed that he will find her before he attacks, hell he could end up finding his mate in this pack or he might not find her for year's. Are you willing to risk you're life for the hope of him finding his mate. What about you, don't you deserve to be happy, to find you're mate and have the life you dream about. You're not a ruthless killer, you don't want power or to hurt another pack after what happened to you're pack. But you're brother doesn't care about what will happen. Think about it, you have a mate to find and a life to live" I said, hoping he will listen.

I started walking again with him following but he is lost in his own thought's. Hopefully I have said enough to make him see sense and the future he could have. His brother doesn't stand a chance against us, between my grandmother and me, he is in for one hell of a fight. He has no idea of the power we truely possesse.

"This is where we go our separate way's. You're at the edge of their land. Just think about what I said, give yourself a couple of days to think before you go back or if you decide to leave" I told him.

"Thank you Kara, you could have left me there to die or killed me but instead you try to help me. I had almost forgotten what it's like to have a proper conversation" he said sadly.

"I hope you choose you're true future, you're brother's path only leads to death. Trust me when it comes to you're day of judgement, you will want you're action to save you and send you to heaven, hell is worse than anything you have ever imagined before" I told him honestly.

"Thanks again Kara" he smiled and shifted into his wolf and went running into the wood's. His thoughts didn't give me an answer to what he is going to do but they showed me he is considering leaving. Hopefully that thought will push him towards a different life.

Turning around, I started walking back my new home. Trust me to turn up when a war is on the horizon, my mom sent me here because she thought I wouldn't have to deal with a war like her and my grandmother had to. They had demons, vampire's and guardian's to fight and I end up in the middle of a werewolf war. If my grandmother is fighting, there is no way I'm sitting on the sidelines and watching. Now it's just a waiting games, it could be weeks or months, maybe even a year before their ready to attack. But I will be ready, first day here and things have already got a hell of a lot more interesting in a couple of hour's.

Leaving Hell (Book 3 in the Dark Angel series)Where stories live. Discover now