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Young though she was, Audrey Dursley knew when something was unsettling the precious 'Dursley norms'. Throughout her life whenever her dear cousin was involved, she would always guess another disastrous un-Dursley-ish day.

On Audrey's seventh birthday, her aunt Marge ordered her favourite dog Ripper, to chase Harry around the garden and as she guessed, Harry mysteriously found himself on the garage roof. It wasn't until she could think for herself last year, that she would from then on defend her cousin, which got her in some terrible situations.

It wasn't Harry's fault that he lived with the Dursleys, this was all die to an accident 10 years prior. A car crash had taken James and Lily Potter's lives, leaving Harry a lightblot shaped scar as a souvenir. Audrey always felt sympathy for him.

Sunlight peeled her eyelids open, she glanced at her alarm clock in annoyance, 05:25am she groaned; then coming to the conclusion it was best to get up now. After all, it was dreadful Dudley's birthday, she sighed, thinking about 'how spoiled Dudley is compared to everyone else' and 'How come nobody pays attention to Harry and myself?' Slipping on her unicorn slippers, Audrey rolled her eyes at her forever growing burgundy locks agitated, throwing on her reserved girlish garments for Dursley occasions, even though she'd be happy wearing sweat pants and a Alice in wonderland shirt however it was brother dear's birthday. She threw on her paisley pink dress, skipping down the stairs before Dudley tormented Harry; much to her dismay. "Is Duddy awake yet mum?" Petunias horse like face served towards Audrey, "Not yet baby-kins, we're just about ready for him- which reminds me-" she said sweetly, scurrying away to Harry's cupboard room.


Dudley's porky figure entered the living area, his eyes covered by his mother, she quickly released him. His piggy face scanning the presents, "How many are there?" He asked Vernon, whom smiled at Dudley with sunshine in his eyes and a bushy moustache underneath; "Thirty-six. Counted them myself" Dudley's face contorted, "Thirty-six?! Last year I-I had t-thirty-seven!" Audrey sighed trying to emerse herself in her new book.

As usual, Dudley whined until Petunia gave in, Vernon decided to take the children to the zoo. Although there was a slight problem for them, "Bad news Petunia, Mrs. Figg can't take the boy" Vernon grunted pointing at Harry; Dudley's cries resumed, "Noo! H-he rrruins everything!"
"Don't worry Dudders, we'll bring that friend if yours and your sister." 


Exiting her father's car, she got that feeling again, the bad feeling that she got when Harry was there. No disrespect to him, Audrey couldn't help it, "Mum" she tugged Petunias dress, awaiting her response, "Yes dear?"
"I have a bad feeling about today"
"Why? It's Duddys birthday, baby-kins. Are you sure you don't feel well?"
"I'm fine mummy, maybe I'm just hungry." Vernon picked up his little Audrey to give her an ice lolly and he couldn't help but smile. "Thank you daddy" she beamed skipping over to Harry, "Hello cousin"
"Audrey, can you understand the snake?" He asked nodding at the boa constrictor. She made her way over to it, waving lovingly. It didn't respond. "Nope" Harry sighed, "Maybe it's your superpower!" She giggled. Dudley and his rat faced friend saw Harry and Audrey admiring the snake, immediately wanting to take over and watch it, he did so.

Harry and Audrey were pushed aside like ragdolls, Audrey was a little upset; when suddenly the glass vanished. Dudley fell through. The boa constrictor winked at them as if to say 'Thank you' slithering away as Vernon and Petunia came running towards them.

Needless to say, Harry got the worst treatment afterwards, Audrey was forbidden from talking to Harry. This was unfair! Harry was the nicest person in the world. It was proven in the weeks that followed, Harry received a letter. Vernon and Petunia refused him opening it. It got worse to the point they had an explosion of letters throughout the Dursley residence. "We're going away! Far away where they can't find us!" Vernon bellowed, "Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?" Audrey asked rhetorically.


They now lived on a rock, in the middle of nowhere, just the five people in the smallest hut in the world. It was nearing midnight, Audrey crept from her mattress to Harry whom was waiting to celebrate his eleventh birthday, the clock bleeped, "Make a wish Harry" she whispered. BANG! A noise at the front door alerted the Dursleys, her parents held a gun to their chest, "Who's there?!" Vernon whimpered. BANG! The door crashed down to reveal a seven foot tall man, a bush connected to his- oh it was his beard and black beetle eyes flickered through.
"Sorry 'bout that" the stranger grunted, closing the door, "Boy I haven't seen ya since yer a baby Harry, but yer bit more long that I'd expec'ed particularly in the middle" he said to Dudley, Audrey spoke up, "He's not Harry. He is!" She announced, pulling Harry up.

After a little explanation, we discovered Harry and his dead parents were in fact wizards?! The man whose name had been Hagrid, gave him an acceptance letter to a wizardry and witchcraft school called Hogwarts.

"He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, AND he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen... Albus Dumbledore"
"I will not pay for some crack pot old fool to teach him magic tricks!" Vernon grunted, Hagrid abruptly stood; shaking the ground beneath them, "How dare you speak like that about Dumbledore in front of me! In fact yer will be paying not only fer Harry but ya daugh'er too mind!" Hagrids last words hit home with Audrey, she would be attending a wizarding school in two years. Harry and Hagrid left next morning, leaving Audrey under the now scrutiny of her parents for two years longer...

Hello readers! So you've decided to read this trash? Yep. I'm not the best writer so I really appreciate you reading this even if I do call this book trash lol thank you!!!

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