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my legs kept dangling from the chair as my fingers kept twirling repeatedly. my heart raced very rapidly as i looked at the person in front of me already standing up getting her diploma.

it is finally my long awaited, graduation ceremony.

"up next we have, ms kim ally, one of our bright students in 12-1!"

the principal said as i slowly got up walking slowly making sure not to trip on my heels.

but i sadly forgotten how clumsy i was, and thats when i knew i was face planted onto the floor, hearing the whole school corrupt with laughter.

"ms kim are you okay?"

"yes im fine dont worry."

i assured my teacher with a smile before getting onto my feet quickly grabbing my diploma as fast as possible.

the last thing i want is wasting 10 seconds of my life taking pictures up there, i just badly want to leave right then and there.

and in a few seconds i was back onto my seat getting some small laughter from people around me.

"nice trip there ally, seems like you can't stop making out with the floor!"

a boy said as a slowly turned around with anger in my eyes.

"jeon jungkook shut your mouth!"

i screamed but that made him laugh once more.

"oh ally, im gonna miss you, you know that?"

but i ignored his remark by focusing back to whats in front of me.

jeon jungkook was the worst person that existed in my entire life. he teases me in all my four years in high school and annoys me almost 24/7.

main reason why i was excited to graduate was because i wont ever see him again. i was surprised on how he got a diploma, seeing his non attendant marks, they were way higher than his grades.

but he must've threatened or fucked someone to get him to where he is now.  either way, i don't really care about him.

i never have.

"its okay ally at least you graduated and thats all that matters."

my friends said cheering me up as a slowly walked with them.

"leah is right, cheer up! you got your diploma and you should be happy!"

mimi said with a smile as i looked at her with a raised brow, causing her mouth to form a tight line.

as my friends kept talking about which restaurant for us to eat, i was pushed onto the ground, but not because my stupid heels,

but a boy.

"just thought you'd like to kiss the floor one last time before you leave."

he winked as his 6 members just laughed before walking away leaving a bunch of screaming girls behind them.

i had enough of this, i had enough of him. pushing my friend to a side i raised my hands to my mouth to make my message louder.


and like my expectations, he heard me. seeing him turn around as he walked back to me was a motivation for me to say how i truly felt about him.

"what did you call me?"

"a piece of shit!"

"do you know who i am?!"

"yes! your that stupid cunt that always teases and annoys me for four year straight! the one who bugs me on every answers when theres an assessment! im surprised that you even got a diploma when you weren't here for full on 6 months, but then again your jeon jungkook a spoiled brat that gets whatever he wants!"

everyone gasped as their eyes widened to what i said, but right now i dont give a fuck.

"you wanna know why i wasnt here? thats because-"

"i dont wanna here your excuses cause i dont need to know and i dont give a fuck about your reasons especially you!"

i screamed cutting him off as i walked away from the crowd as my 6 friends followed behind.

i was walking way too fast when somebody grabbed my arm pulling me to faced them, ae sook.

"dont you regret saying those words?"

"me? no never, i always wanted to say them to him anyways."

i laughed as i looked at the rest of my friends catching up to us.

"besides, he is an irrelevant person that nobody gives a damn about."

i smirked remembering his priceless look on his face.

Authors Note:

The Hate Club // jjk Where stories live. Discover now