Chapter 3

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***Hey, so another chapter. Hope you enjoy. If anyone can do covers and has ideas please send through and I will give a dedication!***

Clarissa POV

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and relaxed. Then I remembered the events from the night before. I sat up and pulled on my dressing grown; I opened the door to my room and spotted the guard on the door. ‘Kale’ I thought to myself. He was certainly an oddity, one moment he was kind and caring and the next it was as if he could not get away from me quick enough. I shook my head and shut the door again.

I dressed quickly but taking my time to arrange my hair in french braid enjoying the calming sensation that this gave me.  I made my way to the main living room to find the master seated and in discussion with someone I had not met before. I tried to remember if he was guest from last nights party but I could not place him.

“Ah Clarissa. Good morning. I trust you slept well?”

“I did thank you Sir” I gave a light bow. “I apologise for disrupting your meeting” I turned to leave when the master instructed me to stay and meet his guest. I sat and looked at this new person. He looked like no-one I had met before. He was short with a long hooked nose and very large almost black eyes.

Kale POV

I had a very restless night. I could not believe that this girl was not my enemy but an ally. I was not permitted to tell any of this to Clarissa and that pained me. I did not want to lie to her, or withhold information from her but there was nothing I could do. ‘Damn my Father’ I thought as I walked the grounds. ‘How could he have kept this a secret from me for so long…’ I know he had his reasons but at that point in time I did not care for those reasons.

Old Ones have power some have fast healing other can bend elements whilst others can even turn invisible. I have additional strength, I can bend Tungsten metal like it was nothing more than an iron bar, tough but still do-able.

He had a man from the Old Ones council arrive today. He has decided to tell Clarissa everything, for her safety as well as that it is only one week until her 17th birthday and then the changes will begin in her. I took to the stables and quickly mounted Higor, my stallion and companion on my long journeys. He seemed to sense my mood and broke off into a fast gallop through the gates of the estate and down the streets of the village. With no destination in mind I let Higor guide me.


I arrived back at the estate before sunset. Higor did me well today. He ran strongly, helping me clear my thoughts. Now though, I had important news to tell my father. I located him in his study looking drawn and tired, it is not normal for him show weakness. ‘Must have not gone well with Clarissa’ as this thought passed through my mind my father looked to me.

“Kale, I am glad you have returned. How was your day? Better than mine I would assume”

“Father what happened? Did you tell Clarissa of her true origins?”

“Yes I did. She was very shocked and upset, I suppose it is a lot to take in. She knew her father Lord Beaudox had abilities but thought nothing of this as her mother didn’t and brother did. She thought it was only males that received the abilities. For her to learn her true parentage has been hard. She knew nothing of the Old Ones, Mystics and Fay. She believed her father to be a council man. They certainly sheltered her from real life.” With that he shook his head “I must retire for a short while, today has been long and I am after all an old man” He chuckled as he said this. 

“Father I must tell you something… I intend to be with Clarissa, I am drawn to her and want no-one else to have her”

“I expected nothing else son, I expected nothing else” He patted me on the shoulder as he said this and walked from the room.

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