It was just a prank! A harmless little prank! (Part 2)

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INSPIRED BY: RedHeadsRock1010's: Family of Fools One-shot! (It's on FanFiction.Net, it's amazing!)

The eldest Fenton child was still trying to process what her parents said, 'our idea was to treat Danny as if he was a ghost the whole day and see if he went along with it or not...' , her mother's voice echoed in her head,  'We thought that if we did this... prank, that Danny would gain an interest in ghost hunting and that would bring us closer together...'. If she didn't know that her now traumatized brother was sleeping just one room over, she'd scream at the top of her lungs. If she was was acting like this, she didn't even want to think about what her brother was feeling. He'd probably never fully trust his parents again. Jasmine Fenton knew that she wouldn't.

Nothing would be the same after this. Sure, people could forgive, but there's always that small amount of hatred towards the person who hurt you that would never allow you to fully forgive them. Jazz shivered at the thought that this is how Vlad must feel, the only difference being, Vlad had never forgiven her father for his actions. Jazz was a rather forgiving person and she knew that her brother was too, and he was way more forgiving then she was. Jasmine knew that she'd eventually calm down enough and slowly start to forgive her parents, but the amount of trust she held with them would never be fully repaired and she knew that her parents knew of this as well. However, for now, she needed to vent and cool off, but who knows how long that'll take. She'd never been this mad at anyone before, yet alone her own parents.

What were hours seemed like days before it seemed like anyone in the Fenton household was willing to talk to one another. Maddie Fenton wanted nothing more than to make her family whole again. Though she doubted she would ever be in her children's good graces anytime soon, not that she could blame them. She stared longingly into her cup of coffee that must have been cold. How could she have been so blind? It was obvious that the prank was 'over the top' and why did she think that pulling such a prank on her son would get him in his good graces yet alone interested in their line of work when he had such an obvious goal in mind? She took a look at her husband and she could tell that he felt the same way. Sure, Jack Fenton could be a fool sometimes, but that's why people love him. That's why she fell in love with him and not her old college buddy, Vlad Masters.

The female scientist was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a door open from upstairs and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Maddie had expected it to be Jazz since she usually woke up first. She was surprised however when she saw her son standing in the entrance to the kitchen, "M-morning Danny! I didn't expect you to be up so early," Maddie stuttered. The teen remained silent as he went to go get some breakfast. Maddie observed his behavior. His usual crystal ocean blue eyes were dull and lifeless, the dark bags under his eyes were apparent and his eyes looked bloodshot by the looks of it. She knew the teen wouldn't initiate conversation so she decided to take matters into her own hands, "Look... Danny. I wanted to apologize for earlier. Now that I look back, I don't know why your father and I thought it would be a great idea to pull such a thing on you in the first place," She began, "but I would like an explanation as to why you acted the way you did... and I'd like the truth. Your father and I promise we won't be mad at whatever you tell us."

The brunette haired woman looked her her soon curiously as she watched him have an internal battle with himself as he slowly sat down at the kitchen table on the opposite end of where his parents were sitting. Why was he so hesitant on telling them the truth? Was he doing something he shouldn't? Did he get a girlfriend? What could possibly be so bad that he wouldn't trust his own parents with the information? The raven haired teen sighed, "Alright." He quietly said. The two ghost hunters looked at him with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Alright what Danny-boy?" Jack asked his son. Jack Fenton was taking this seriously. Under all that fudge loving, ghost hunting and seemingly idiotic man, Jack Fenton was as intelligent as his wife and kind hearted as a puppy. He never ever wanted to hurt his son, physically or mentally. It was just plain wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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