Chapter 18

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The next morning, we all met up for Sunday brunch and Ashley joined us, since her jet wasn't scheduled to fly out until the evening. The entire brunch was basically, just everyone hounding Ashley with questions, which I'm sure she hated, but took it well anyway.

They asked how we knew each other and I told them we met at a party, which wasn't a total lie, but that just opened up a door to what I was doing at a party with celebrities. Ashley lied and said I was a waitress at the party and she felt bad for me, so she became my friend. I kicked her under the table and she smirked at me. Bri just listened and didn't say much. I'm going to get an ass chewing later, I just know it.

We wound up going back to Jess's, which turned out to be a big deal when Ashley came with us. She was recognized right away, but you know how she is - she took it in stride and hung out with them anyway. I kept an eye on her, but she was having a blast with the other patrons, playing drinking games and getting drunk with them.

I shrugged her off and went back to my conversation with the rest of my friends. We were in the middle of trying to remember the guys name that wouldn't leave Meghan's house after his night with the magic pussy, when my phone rang. I looked down and it was my stepdad. That's weird, he never calls me.

I answered the phone, but told him to hang on, so I could step outside to hear him.

"I'm sorry about that Marcus. What's going on?" I asked.

"I.. er.. it's your mum." He said finally.

"What about my mum? What is it?" I asked.

"She, erm, she..." he trailed.

"Just say it, please Marcus, because you're scaring us." I begged.

"She's...she's...gone, Hannah. She died..I'm still at the hospital.." He trailed, then sobbed into the phone.

The world caved in on me. I fell to the ground and vomited. My mum is dead. I wasn't there.

I went back to the bar and gathered my things, then grabbed Ashley without saying a word to anyone. Bri tried to stop me, then Meghan, but I ignored them and continued out to my car, then sped away toward the direction of my house.

"What's the matter, Hannah!?" Ashley asked, with panic in her voice.

"My mum is dead." I said, completely monotone.

"Oh my God, oh my God, I'm so sorry," she said then reached over and grabbed my hand.

I shook my head and kept driving. "I need a favour, please, Ashley"

"Anything," she said.

"I need your jet. I need to go home." I said in a low voice.

"Of course, it's yours. Do you want me to go with you?" She asked.

"No, you already delayed your tour for me once, I can't let you do it twice." I said.

"I don't care, I want to be here for you." She said, sincerely.

"No, please. I'll be ok. I promise." I assured.

I will not be ok.

"Whatever you need, Hannah. Just let me know and I'll be there." She said and squeezed my hand.

We went back to my house and packed our things, then took a cab to a private airport. I flew with her to Texas where she was set to perform the next day, then stayed with the plane, whilst they refueled and changed out pilots.

It took 11 hours to get home, but I wasn't tired. Marcus picked me up and took me back to the place I grew up.

When I stepped out, I felt the tears beginning to well up in my eyes, but I swallowed them back. Marcus brought my luggage in, set them down, then pulled me into a tight hug. I stood there for a moment before hugging back.

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