Chapter 17

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My life fell back into it's normal routine after Vegas. Clef's was becoming more well known and business had picked up a bit. I was even thinking about hiring another instructor. Meghan was back to her normal, bubbly self, maybe even happier than before. Julian was, well, still a prick, but is going through a break up with Chris. He's sad a lot and less sassy. Jess seemed happier as well and asked me to perform at the benefit, to which I told her I had to think about it. Nina and KP are serious. Like serious, serious. They're practically married, except Nina's parents are not handling her sexuality well and they hate KP a lot. Stephanie started dating a guy that looks like he could star in gay porn. Bri and I have been on a steady track. We still haven't labeled ourselves, mostly because of me, but we're pretty happy most of the time. And Rebecca, I shoved her back into the furthest part of my heart and mind, so I could give Bri everything I had.

It was the middle of July and I was practicing with Julian, Nina and KP. I accepted a two song slot in the benefit and asked them to be my band. They were excited and we worked hard on our songs: Brave by Sara Bareilles and an original that I wrote recently. Nina had a set of pipes on her that I did not see coming, so we decided she would sing Brave and I would lead on the original. Julian was not bad either and he said this kept his mind off of Chris.

Bri was sitting in one of the chairs in the main music room of the studio and was our biggest fan. She clapped and sang along with us; I wished she could play an instrument. I winked at her as I played the guitar and Nina belted out the song. Bri really is the perfect girl.

We finished up our rehearsal and locked up, then Bri and I headed back to my house. We try to alternate which homes we stay at, so it doesn't seem like we've moved in together. I know it's a lesbian thing, but we didn't want to fall into the stereotype. Plus, I wasn't ready and neither was she.

"I think you guys are ready," Bri said as she turned down the sheets.

"It feels like we are, just need a little more tweaking." I said back and pulled the covers over me.

She turned to face me, then leaned over to kiss me, "Goodnight, Elaine."

"Goodnight, Bri." I whispered, then pulled her into my arms.

The next week flew by as the benefit inched closer and closer. The nerves were beginning to grate on us so much, that Nina snapped at Julian and I when were bickering one day.

"I swear to God, you two, I have had enough of your shit! Now, grow the fuck up, or get the fuck out!" Nina yelled at us.

Julian and I froze in our tracks as I was pulling on his jacket and he was grabbing my arm, then turned and looked at Nina, blinking. A curse word has never fallen from her lips in our presence and we were stunned. She moved to cross her arms and gave us the death glare. She was going to kill us.

We both dropped our hands and muttered in unison, "Sorry, Nina," then put our heads down and went to our respective instruments. She huffed and muttered under her breath about being the only adult in the room and other things that I couldn't make out.

Well, that's us told.

I spoke to Ashley and told her about our upcoming performance and she did her best to give me good advice:

Imagine everyone in their underwear. Ew.

Have fun. Yeah, ok.

Don't drink milk. I...what?

So, that's what I had to work with as I stood on the stage and looked out into a crowd that held hundreds of people. I looked over at Nina and she looked sick. I smiled at her and mouthed, "It's going to be ok." She smiled back and gave me the thumbs up. I turned around and nodded to Julian. He nodded back, then pinched his nipples and laughed. I shook my head and pointed at KP and gave her a huge smile. She's gave me the "rock" sign with her fingers and nodded her head. She's a good girl.

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