Joe's View

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**Joe's view**  (couple of hours before he text Millie)

Currently looking on Twitter for video ideas from my fans. The most wanted it a Q and A. So I rong alfie to get him to pick out some questions for me.

After receiving his text message I start to set up to record

(Bold is questions and Joe's reply will be underneath) 

"Hello guys! Everyone wanted me to do a  Q and A video so here it is!
Question one ;

What ia your dream holiday?
Florida. Because it is such a beautiful place, so many places to visit.

What is your favourite artist/band right now?
Ed Sheeran. His new album is sick.

How was Caspar's 100m sucriber party? Who went?
It was amazing! A night to remember. And there was the hole gang- Caspar, me, Olli, Marcus, Alfie, Zoe and their friend Millie. It was quite a small party.

Are you dating anyone? Would you ever date a fan?

No I'm not dating anyone. Yes, If I knew they wasn't with me for the right reasons.

Last question

Are you close to Alfie' s friend Millie?
I wouldn't say close but we are friends and I would like to get close. She is a really nice person. You'll love her. I will try and get her to be on a video one time!
That's it for the day! Send me more questions and I'll try and answer them. Goodnight!!

And that's the video posted!
I'm going to see if Millie wants to hang Out? I really do like her she's amazing.

Shall It be a date? Let's see.

Next chapter - A DATE????

The Prank Call // joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now