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It was time for potions with the Slytherins and Harry wished he could do anything but.  Snape had done nothing but ridicule him and Malfoy wasn't making it easier-
"Harry, watch out!!" Hermione said quickly.
Harry ran into something like a wall and fell back, only to hit his head on the floor.
"Looks like Potter doesn't know how to walk," Malfoy spat.
"Watch where you're going, four eyes!" He said.
Harry was having a rough day as it was (Ron ate too much and wasn't able to attend classes) and decided that he had had enough.
"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry said, standing up.
"Oh, is wee Potter going to stand up for himself?" Malfoy retaliated, reaching for his wand.
Harry shoved him back, causing him to trip over Crabbe and Goyle.
Right as Malfoy was about to fire a spell as McGonagall walked up to them.
"What is the meaning of this!?" She demanded, her lips tightening dangerously.
After Hermione explained the situation, Draco and Harry were called to her office. 
She tapped on her desk impatiently as Dumbledore walked in and sat down next to her.
"Albus, these two boys-"
"It's nice to see you two, Potter, Malfoy. I have decided that you two will, to end all this bickering and fighting, live together in the room of requirement until your issues are solved and you are friends.
Harry new better than to argue with Dumbledore, but would rather not have to spend so much time with Malfoy.
"But, Dumbledore sir-"
"There's no way that I'm living with Potter. My father will hear about this!" Malfoy argued.
"I've already called your father. He isn't happy about it but he can't interfere with my policies." Dumbledore smirked.
Draco and Harry were both too stunned for words as they headed to their dorm rooms to pack.
"What do you mean you have to live with Malfoy!?" Ron asked.
"Exactly what I told you!" Harry responded angrily.
"I would've ran right out of the school!"
"I can't exactly do that, where would I go?"
"To The Burrow!?"
"Right!" He said, actually considering leaving school grounds.

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