16. Focus On Me, I'm Proposing

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Lucas' P.O.V

"Yes, I'll have the paper work ready by tomorrow. Tonight I have something on so it will be impossible for me to work on it today. Yes tell my father to call me if there are any issues." I cut the call and proceeded to walk to my room. From the corner of my eye I seen a light shining out the balcony and my attention was on the blonde beauty who was looking at the view while leaning on the rails. She had her dressing gown on and her long hair flowing behind her.

I put the paper work down and walked towards the doors and opened them.

"Hey." I greet softly behind her. "What are you doing out here?" I asked, walking closer to her. She didn't even turn to me or say anything. "What's wrong, Baby?" I put my arms around her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"I don't think I can perform tonight." She mumbled and looked down, putting her hand on top of mine.

"Why not? You conquered your fear of performing in front of people. What makes you feel like this?" I asked making her turn to me.

"I feel like something is going to go wrong."

Maya's P.O.V

"I feel sick. I can't do this." I panicked as I closed the curtain that I peeped out of to see how many people had turned up. There were loads of people!

"Yes you can, Maya. When you're on that stage all those nerves are going to go away because you will realize that is where you belong. And if you do get nervous then look for me and focus on me." He comforts as he caresses my cheek and softly kisses my lips. I pulled him closer to me and just kissed him. I didn't want to let go.

"Maya Hart to the stage in 2." Was announced and I slowly pulled back from Lucas. He gave me a small smile and wished me luck before heading to his seat.

I took a deep breath and headed to the stairs that lead onto the stage and waited until they announced my name.

"Good luck, Hart." Jane, one of the girls in my class, said as she walked down the stairs.

"Thanks. You were great by the way!" I complemented even though I just lied to her face. I was so spaced out, I didn't pay attention to the others.

"Next up we have Maya Hart!" My teacher announced and the nerves kicked in again. I walked up onto the stage with the least bit of confidence and stared out into the crowd. I felt my hands clam up, my throat went dry and I suddenly went dizzy. My eyes tried to find Lucas until suddenly the lights were turned off and the music started playing. People began to panic and talk but it helped. I took a deep breath and let the words fall out of my mouth in the perfect melody. The lights slowly came up and there he was, standing next to the light box, smiling and encouraging me.

When the song finished, a roar of cheers and clapping erupted from the audience and I felt so good. Lucas stood up on his chair and yelled "WOOOO!! THAT'S MY GIRL!" And continued clapping.

I covered my face and mumbled an 'oh my god' to myself. I bowed and left the stage. Once I got down the stairs, Lucas just walked through the curtains and engulfed me in a hug.

"You were amazing, incredible, perfect and god damn sexy up there. I almost had to knock a few guys out because of what they were saying." He laughed and I smiled.

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