13. That Should Be Me

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Three months went by once again with Maya and Xander hanging out and going on little dates. They haven't made things official yet but the odds of that happening is very likely. Lucas sits back and allows Maya's happiness to over rule his own, he hasn't seen Maya this happy before. It hurt him that he wasn't the one making her smile however, the pain was tolerable as her smile was his painkiller. Day by day his agitation and jealousy would become stronger, he went on runs every time Xander was over, he'd lock himself away in his room and avoid Maya at college. He couldn't stand seeing them together but he knew his feelings meant nothing compared to Maya's happiness. But, the day was coming when Lucas would finally snap.

Lucas' P.O.V

"LUCAS!" I heard Maya call from her bedroom. I rolled my eyes and walked to her room, making sure I took my time.

When I reached the doorway, my eyes struck upon the blonde beauty who was adjusting her gorgeous blonde hair. It was as if my feelings of anger and jealousy washed away in that moment. She wore a black crop top and shorts that had a netty dress attached to it on top. There was no doubt in my mind that she is unbelievably stunning but the fact that she was looking hot for Xander was what angered me once again. I thought what we had was almost going somewhere, we just needed time but now Xander has got in the way.

Maya's Outfit:

"What now?" I huffed

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"What now?" I huffed.

Maya looked up at me with a confused expression then brushed it off.

"How do I look?" She asked nervously.

"Beautiful as always." I smile and she returns it, showing me her cute dimple.

"Thanks, Huckleberry." She answered and I nodded and walked away.

I heard her phone ring and I automatically knew it was Xander so I shut off and went straight back to my room.

God I hate that guy, he's not all he seems to be, I'm sure of it. Like the other day when Maya was with him he was cuddly and smiley around her but when she left to go to the kitchen, his face became serious and he pulled his phone out. When he heard Maya coming, he quickly shoved his phone in his pocket and pulled a fake smile. I haven't said anything to Maya yet because she won't believe me, I mean why would she? She's ganna think I'm trying to break them up or something when yes I would be but not intentionally, whatever she decides after I tell her is her choice.

I laid on my bed just staring up at the ceiling and letting my thoughts rattle the cage in my mind. Until I remembered an old friend.

I grabbed my phone that was on charge and looked through my contacts. Once I found the number I needed, I dialed it.

It rang three times before he answered. "Yo, Lucas... It's been time, man... How've you been?" Simon answered.

"I've been good man... Listen I need you to do something for me..." I asked.

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