
“Come on” Paisley pulls my hand and tries to drag me to the door.

“You go downstairs I’ll just be a minute ok?”

“Ok!” She leaves Cheryl’s room and I close the door behind her. I turn around to Cheryl and she’s holding her arms out to me.

“Come here” I do what she says and nervously cross the room into her arms. ”You still aren’t 100% comfortable around us are you?” She pulls away and put a hand on my cheek.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re still nervous”

“It’s just that … I guess I need to teach myself how to trust again”

“I understand” She quickly pecks my lips and this still feels so surreal but in a good way. I place a quick kiss on her cheek and pull her into another hug. “I can teach you” She whispers and I smile to myself because I’m starting to think that there’s a possibility that she can.

“Mummy!” Paisley calls from downstairs ruining our moment.

“Are you sure you will be able to cope with all of this? She can be a handful at times” I giggle and she nods.

“Of course, you’re a package and I wouldn’t want one without the other”

“Mummmy!!” She again calls louder than last time.

“Duty calls” Cheryl giggles.

“Duty calls”

Paisley sits on the kitchen counter and she looks out the kitchen window out into the garden after just finishing her breakfast. Cheryl’s upstairs and all the other girls are still asleep.

“Swim?” She asks pointing to the pool she’s still yet to go in.

“Not today, maybe tomorrow though”

“I want to” She moans folding her arms.

“Well you can’t so come on lets go upstairs and get you ready to see nana” I go to lift her down from the counter but she bats my hand away.


That seems to be her favourite word at the moment, no matter what I ask the answer is always no. I’m sure she just loves to press my buttons. “Come on Paisley” I reach out for her and she again bats my hand away.

“Are you being a rascal?” Cheryl’s voice comes from around the corner and Paisley doesn’t answer.

“She most defiantly is” I sigh and take her from the counter which causes her to kick her legs wildly and let out an ear ringing scream. Here we are again in the middle of a huge tantrum that I always fail to control. Cheryl watches on in shock as I struggle to control her in my arms. She’s holding onto the edge of the counter with both hands as I try to pull her away from it.

“Paisley, you’re going to wake everybody” I tell her but she doesn’t care, of course she doesn’t care she’s 2.I finally manage to rip her away from the counter and I look at Cheryl in embarrassment. This is the first time she’s seen her like this and she probably thinks I can’t control my own child and that she’s some sort of little devil but it’s just her age. That’s what I keep telling myself. Paisley arches her back and continues to kick her legs as tears of anger escape her blotchy eyes.

“Here” Cheryl says holding out her arms and Paisley reaches out and Cheryl takes her from me. The crying and screaming soon stops and i run my fingers through my hair sighing in frustration and embarrassment.  Cheryl brushes away her tears with her hand and looks at her seriously. “That’s enough  or mummy won’t let you swim tomorrow either, will you mummy?”

CHIM - Life in the limelightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora