Chapter 11

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Third person' P.O.V

Once that drunken fiasco was over every one decided to call it a night. In the morning the friends decided to leave because Erza had a competition and Levy had to get back to the library. The whole house was silent with only Lucy and Natsu left sitting ideally. Only the noises from the T.V could be heard throughout the whole place.

    Lucy walked over to door and locked it after a few minutes. What she didn't know was, that in those few minutes Flare and her partner in crime snuck in and ran to the storage room in stealth. "Hurry Sting!" She hissed as she opened a random door. Sting nodded and ran in. She closed the door. Once their eyes adjusted the looked around to find themselves in a storage room. "This should be good." She placed her bag down and looked at the boxes. "Better be careful though. We don't need those boxes to fall."

"Right, that's why we need to be car- SPIDER!" Sting screamed and bumped into Flare.

"WHERE!?" Flare shrieked and stepped backwards knocking the boxes over. "Damn it!" I cursed and hid behind the fallen boxes. I pulled Sting down with me so he would not get caught.

"What about the spider?" Sting asked with fear in his voice and I looked at him. I pointed at the dead creature next to me.

"Got crushed from the boxes. Now shut up!" I whispered as I heard the door to the room being opened.

Lucy's P.O.V

I was roaming around the house to spend time since Natsu was watching T.V. As could be expected from him. I was getting a can of soda from the fridge and heading back to the living room when I heard some rattling from the storage room. My first instinct was to call Natsu to help me check the noise. Then a thought crossed my mind...

If I call out to him, whatever is in there will be on alert. If I go into the bedroom to call him, the thing might go away. I will not get a chance to know what it is.

I kept thinking of what to do and finally decided to investigate it on my own. I silently jogged towards backyard and grabbed an iron pipe that was kept for some underground renovation. I headed back inside and quietly and slowly opened the door to the storage room. The pipe was clutched tightly in my hand and I could feel the sweat running down my spine. The rattling soon stopped and I could hear hushed whispers from a corner of the dirt filled room.

I gulped my saliva down in slight fear and opened the door further. I crouched down and hid behind a shelf that was filled with loads of material. It helped me hide from whatever it was in the same room as me.

I came in, but what now? I don't know what it is I am against.

I took a deep breath and regained the grip on the iron rod in my hand. I walked forward and walked right next to the shelf so I couldn't be seen. I take a step away from the shelf when I feel something hard slam right on my head. I could barely grunt as I fell to the ground and heard the clash of the metal pipe right next to me. My vision blurred and black spots started taking over as I drifted into unconsciousness.

Flare's P.O.V

"That was close." I sighed in relief as Sting regained his grip on his club. He looked at me and smirked.

"I saved the day in the end, huh?" He asked as I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. He cleared his throat and looked back at the unconscious Lucy with a blank expression.

"Can we get going now? We are not done with our task yet." I looked at him with my eyes still narrow and he looked at me in concern.

"What about her?" He pointed at Lucy and I sighed. My palm met my temples as I thought of doing something about the dingus.

"We take her. Duh!" I said a little too loudly. I clamp my hand over my mouth and waited to see if anything happened.

"Luphy?" Without any doubt, it was my Natsu. A small smile crept up to my face and I stopped in my tracks.

"My dear Natsu, you will be mine." I giggled while Sting looked at me boredly.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Once they left I made my way to the kitchen and started to stuffed my face. They had omelets, cookies, and other heavenly food. I gulped down bite after bite. Then I heard a thud and took my face out of the fridge. "Luphy?" I try saying with food in my mouth. "Rre you thearw?" I ask and start chewing my food. I gulp down the rich and creamy goodness and step out of the kitchen. I look around and see a blur of red and blond. Before I could register anything else I felt a pipe crash down. I felt something hit my feet and I fell. My vision blurred and faded, but not before I saw a red head and and a blond fuzz ball.

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