Chapter 5

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Natsu's POV

I was sitting there on her bed trying to think of a way to make it up to her. 'Do I get her chocolate? No that's for lovers. Umm... a teddy bear? No way to late. What would a women want!? GAH! Why is this so hard!?'  I thought to myself. When suddenly an idea dawned on me. 'I am such a genius why didn't I think of this sooner!' I was pleased with myself. When I heard her come back in I felt like daggers were being thrown at me. "Ummm Lucy can I take you some were please?" I asked. "I just want to try and make up for those years of the bullying..." I say looking away.

She sighs. "Fine Dragneel, one chance but that's it!"

Lucy's P.O.V.

I storm out of the room not wanting to hear any of those lies. 'How dare he! How dare he try and apologize! Not after that. I won't let him.'  I tell myself going to the restroom. I stayed in there for who knows how long and tried to calm myself down. Once I did I went back to my room and to give him a good explaining of the rules. When I opened the door I glared daggers at him. Before I could say anything he blurts "Ummm Lucy can I take you some were please? I just want to try and make up for those years of the bullying..." he say looking away.
"Fine Dragneel, one chance but that's it!" I sigh.
"This way princess!" He says getting up with bright eyes. I raise an eyebrow looking cautiously at him. "What?" He says looking at me confused.
"First I need to know where we are going." I state standing tall crossing my arms.
"That my dear, is a surprise." He says grabbing my arm tugging on it. When I don't move he sighs and walks past me. 'What? Did he give-' I am snapped out if my thoughts by a pair of arms. One wraps under my knees and one around my back. Before I could react they lifted me off the ground. I clung on to the closest thing which happened to be Natsu's neck.

"W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU D-DOING!?" I shriek out tightening my grip.

"Well you wouldn't move so I thought I would carry you there." He answers like its the most obvious thing in the world. I just look at him. As we go down stairs I can't help but wonder what my parents are up to.
When we finally reach down stairs I hear a squeal. Natsu turns around with me still in his arms. "I knew they were going to fall for each other!" I heard my mom scream jumping up and down like a fangirl.
"They grow up so fast!" Grandeeny says dabbing a tear away. Natsu and I just stay there looking at our moms. He shakes his head and I huff out a sigh.

"Now if you excuse us we will be leaving now." Natsu said trying to reach the door.
"Where are you going?~" mom asks me.

"A surprise apparently." I respond allowing one hand off Natsu's neck to open the door. "We should be back in a few hours." I say closing the door. Once we were outside in the crisp calm night i saw something that made my eyes light up. A motorcycle.... my favorite. "Is this that a motorcycle?" I ask pointing to the beautiful vehicle. He nods slowly.
"Yeah, why? Wait do you not like them?"

I  want to tease him a bit. "No I don't," I say closing my eyes. I see him look down a bit sad. I smile and finish my sentence "I love them!" I say hopping out of his arms and hop on the motor cycle. He just stands there dumbfounded. I laugh at his expression. It felt like old times... I sigh and wait for him to hop on so we can go.

Natsu's POV

"No I don't," Lucy says closing her eyes. I look down a little disappointed because when we use to talk all she wanted to talk about was motorcycles, that and books, movies and things like that. I see her smile and say "I love them!" She hops out of my arms and on to my motorcycle. I look at her in shock. I must have looked really stupid because she laughed. When I heard her laugh it felt like the past.

I couldn't help but smile and say, "Aw man you really had me worried there Luce!" I hop on to the bike and rev the engine. Once it was ready to go I looked back to see Luce's hugging me ready to go. I smirk and set off. We rode the long way to the place I wanted to take her.
(A/n: nope not tellin ya!)
It didn't take long till we finally reach it. Once we got off she gave me a questioning look.
"Why are we here? Its just a highway side rode." She said obviously knowing were we are. And why we are on the side of the highway that leads to the forest.

"Luce?" I say giving her a 'really' look.

"Just kidding lets go!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me into the forest. What we found the it we sat in the grass looking at the stars. "Natsu?"

"Yeah Luce?"

"I am surprised you still remember our secret hid out."

"Why would I? This is were you and I became friends. How could I forget?" I respond looking at her. She blushed and looked back to the stars. "Hey Luce?"

"Yeah Natsu?"

"A-about the marriage proposal.... I-I'm glad it was you." I say closing my eyes.

She didn't say anything for a while but then I heard her say "M-me too." I felt her snuggle up to me. I wrapped an arm around my future wife and looked up.

??? P.O.V
I saw Natsu and a girl riding his two wheel bike thing and followed them. When I reached the spot they were talking. When they stopped talking I saw the girl wrap her arms around him. 'How dare she! He is mine! I'll make her pay. Mark my words you blond bimbo.'


Aaahhhh gomen! I am wrapped up with school I am so sorry readers that read this! School takes it out of you and I was also helping others! So any how there! Next update should be by next week.... hopefully.... no promises but i will try!


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