Chapter 10

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I was looking at a shocking scene with an expression of confusion and wide eyes. Erza and Mira were cuddling and muttering about how men are a pain in the ass while Jellal was trying to get Erza to notice him. Levy was trying to convince Gajeel to let her give him a piggyback ride. Juvia was trying to declare her undying love





To a lamp. Grey and Natsu were muttering something about how they were gonna rule the world with their friendship. I stood there, looking at the unusual sight and sighed while looking around.

"To think this all started with a simple game of truth or dare..." I muttered to myself as I sat on a vacant couch. I looked around again and thought back to when we started playing the game.


"Hey everyone! Stop laying around and let's do something! Let's play truth or dare spin the bottle style with drinks!" Mira suddenly announced while she held a few cases of beer and an empty champagne bottle.

"I don't know Mira.... Last time we played: I ended up butt naked at target..." Natsu said wearily as he shuddered like a chill ran down his spine. Mira only glared at him while all he could do was shrink back in fear.

"Mira, um.... Oh why not?" I interrupted myself and changed my opinion while a smile made its way on my face.

I have a big feeling he is overreacting. He gets like that after all... Right?

I thought and felt a small shudder through my spine.

"See? Lucy agrees!" Mira said and ran to me. I closed my eyes and felt arms around me and opened to see Mira hugging me. The rest of the group shuddered and hesitantly sat in a circle. Once everyone was in a circle: Mira put the bottle down in the centre point and spun it. "Round and round the bottle goes, where it stops: nobody knows!" She said as the bottle landed on Erza. "Truth or dare?" She asked deviously.

"Dare." Erza said with a very confident tone as she calmly looked into Mira's eyes, not showing any hesitation.

Mira smirked and cracked her neck. "I dare you to sit in Jellal's lap for the rest of the game." She lowly chuckled and then smiled sweetly. Erza looked like a tomato as she got up and made her way over to Jellal. She sat down and spun the bottle. The evil smile on Mira never left as the game continued and eventually opened a bottle of beer. She took a sip and handed the bottle to Erza. "You take a sip every time you ask truth or dare." The bottle finally landed on me. I looked at Erza and prayed she would go easy. Obviously, she didn't know I was praying what I was.

"Lucy! Truth or dare?" She asked and held the opening of the beer bottle to her mouth, waiting for me to answer.

"D-Dare." I lowly murmured, too afraid of the results to say confidently.  

"I dare you to go outside and yell at a random stranger about your period." She giggled sheepishly and took a sip of her beer. I gulped and got up, as much as I was relieved that it was not as extreme as I thought it would be: it still was embarrassing. I made my way to the door and opened it. I looked back to see if anyone would stop me, but they all just looked at me in anticipation with smirks on their faces. I sighed and turned back to open the door. I walked outside and saw two girls walking pass the house. I slowly walked up to them. They looked like best friends and seemed to be discussing book ideas. I took a deep breath and walked up to them at a faster pace.

"Can you believe that god made women shed blood for a week per month!? And then on top of that he gives us cramps and mood swings! Why can't it be men that bleed instead of us!?" My complain turns into a childish whine and they end up looking at me like I have just run out of an asylum.

"Um... Uh, yeah. I think so too. It really is unfair" One said looking at me sympathetically with a lot of uncertainty and hesitation in her voice. I nodded and quickly turned on my heels. With a quick goodbye to those strangers, I walked back inside. I collapsed onto the ground and spun the bottle without saying a word to anyone. It landed on Mira, I looked at her and smiled sweetly with a devilish meaning.

"Truth or dare?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Truth." She said and gave me the bottle that was already opened. I took it and thought for a minute.

"What are your feelings about Laxus?" I asked and took a sip right after. Mira smiled as a faint blush appeared.

"I like him, he can be sweet, kind, he is tough but also very caring." She said whilst hugging her knees in slight embarrassment.

I nodded with a faint smile and the game continued. After a while, everything went hazy. I remembered the dares reaching a point of awful ridiculousness and heat as the game continued. Gajeel and Jellal were forced into dresses and then Levy and I had to act in a play in which we were some thugs. Erza and Jellal played seven minutes in heaven and then Jellal and Gray had to make out. It was a little weird but the hilariousness overpowered it. They were completely drunk at that point: which made Jellal think he was kissing Erza and Gray that he was kissing Juvia.

Mira ended up passing out from overdose of beer and the dares given to people. The game finally ended as everyone finally got a chance to rest and come back to reality. As you would expect from Mira, she woke up and managed to get drunk again.

Now here I was, sitting and still staring at everyone. I could feel a drop of sweat slide down my forehead from the discomfort. Thanks to my parents taking me to elegant parties since I was little: I had a high alcohol tolerance. I could stay sober for a very long time which was an advantage I had.

Flare's P.O.V.

"Now that I finally have everything I need, I can finally make that girl pay for getting between Natsu and me." I cackled as I paid a man a wad of cash. "Remember: your job is to knock the pink headed boy out and drag him to the address I gave you with the cash. You can have the girl then, do whatever you want with her after this is over." I shrugged while showing a picture of the bimbo. The man smiled with satisfaction and nodded. He went off to find Natsu with a club in his hand.

I could feel a huge smile making its way on my face as little giggles made their way out of my throat. He strutted away and I finally muttered with certainty.

"You're mine now, Natsu. What will you do?" I whispered the question to no one and made my towards my house not too far away. I got his to-be-room ready and make sure all the exits were sealed. While doing that, I saw a picture of him above a drawer and picked it up with delicacy. "Once I get that idiot out of the shot, you won't have a choice but to love me! And you will love me with all your heart and not look at one single women." I smiled and hugged the picture. "I will  finally get what I deserve. Everyone will bow at us, we will be a superior couple and we will be together!" I sighed in amazement of the scene in my head and plopped down on the bed. An evil smile made its way back to my lips as I think of what will become of Lucy once that guy gets his hands on her. "Sleep well for now Lucy, it may be your last peaceful night." I laughed maniacally  and turned in for the night.

A BIG thanks to animationsyes she helped edit the part to make it easier to understand, I really appreciate it. without her help it would have been pretty dull, thank you for the reads as well, I really am happy you like this book, I will keep writing till the very end! 

~Author-chan Out! 

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