I laughed a little when Louis said the last part “They sure did” I said under my breath giggling. Ali just looked at Louis like she didn’t want to hear that, but she knew he was right.

“Okay, truth?” Niall said looking at her

“You’re not good at it, so it would be nice for a change” she said walking back and fourth

“I was scared out of my god damn mind when you told me you loved me. I just thought we were having fun, I enjoyed you being my girlfriend, great in bed, but I am not ready, and I don’t know if I will ever be ready for the “I love you” commitment. He paused for a moment and looked at everyone. He let out a loud sigh. “My dad cheated on my mom and has a whole other family, with 4 other kids. They live in Maryland. My step-dad is not my dad, no one knows that. I’m sorry guys that I never told you. This is all I’ve known my whole life, I wasn’t loved as a child, we didn’t have the family dinners every night. I was lucky if my mom even cooked. She was good at dialing numbers and looking at menus. She was too busy with all her different boyfriends to worry about me. I decided when I as 15 that I would take care of myself, I discovered drugs, alcohol and girls. I gave up on the drugs quickly, wasn’t my thing. The drinking and girls satisfied me. I felt needed, but I was able to let them go right after the deed and I didn’t even know their names, didn’t need to, didn’t need to feel anything, love or happiness. When I met you everything changed. I had no idea what the hell to do, I wasn’t the guy to fuck the same girl more than once. All my friends warned me that I would break your heart, and I knew it was only a matter of time, and look I did.

“So that’s it, you proved everyone right, and were done?” Ali said

“Are you going to tell her the rest idiot?” Louis said

“OKAY! When Harry and Louis showed up last night, I was with another girl” Niall said in a low tone

“And what were you doing” Harry said

“I was fucking her right on the wall in the back of the sleazy bar” Niall screamed with his eyes filling up

“So you fucked another girl, instead of just breaking up with me, you decided to fuck another girl” Ali said “Either way you fucking hurt me Niall, why couldn’t you just leave me and then fuck the girl? I hope she was fucking worth it, because I am done with you and all of your lies and bullshit. I thought you changed but my friends warned me too. You’re still the same.”

“Funny, that’s what I said to him before he decided to punch me in the face” harry said looking at Niall

“I’m sorry, to everyone” Niall said

“Well you can go fuck yourself, it’s going to take more than a sorry for this one” Ali said

“I don’t want to be done with you, please Ali” Niall looked at her square in the eye and begged

“Your adorable when you beg, but no, I don’t do cheaters. Were done.” Ali said

Me and Ali both looked at the cameras and gave our sign. The boys noticed and started yelling at us. “You knew we were here!, You made them keep us here?!” it was really funny. We bailed all 3 of them out. We drove back to my house. We left the three boys in the back seat to fight. It was the most awkward car ride of my life. They couldn’t even yell at each other without crying in pain. “Look what you did to my eye”, “fuck your eye my ribs are broken” “fuck you both Harry broke my nose”. Men or children? Can’t really tell the difference can you?

 When we got back Niall went right to his car didn’t even say a word to any of us and he drove off. Ali wanted to kill him but Harry even told her, just let it be for now. Let him cool off, and you need to cool off.

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