Chapter 7

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The next morning I was woken up unexpectedly by my mom. “Come to the living room daddy is having trouble breathing” she said with tears rolling down her face, not knowing what to do. I was still half asleep being it was only 8am, eyes barely open, oblivious to my surroundings. The sun was shining bright and lit up my entire room, making it feel like a good 85 degrees, and there was Harry all nestled up still sleeping wrapped in the blankets. I ran out and there was my dad, barely sitting still on the couch on his back. His shirt was glued to him with sweat, his color was yellowish grey. His hand was over his chest and his breathing was forced and deep. “What’s wrong?, tell me what’s happening” I said very calmly to him. “I’m having trouble catching my breath, I’m having really bad chest pains, something is wrong, very wrong” he said tears building up in his face. I was in shock, my dad is my rock, he’s not supposed to fall apart on us, on me. This doesn’t happen to dad’s, he is the superhero of the family. He is always calm in these types of situations so I knew it was my turn to be the calm one, to keep my mother from freaking out more and from making him more upset, he needed to stay calm.

“Okay, how bad is the pain, and how long has it been going on” I said to him.

 “Well, I was at the chiropractor’s office this morning building him a new platform for his desk, and it took me 2 hours, and you know I should’ve been able to do it in less than 30 minutes. Dr. Rob told me to keep taking breaks because I was out of breath and sweating too much, he told me it was my heart but I didn’t believe him” he said in a soft voice

“So this started that early! And you still did it?!, AND you drove home! Dad ca mon why are you being stupid? “ I said and paused

“Kendall, I think I need to go to the hospital, please take me” he said firmly

“Are you out of your mind, I’m calling am ambulance, if you’re having a heart attack, you’re not dying on me in the car like Ali’s dad did, I can’t go through this again” I said pacing bath and fourth

Harry came out hearing the commotion, “Call 911” I yelled to him

“On it” and he called and handed me the phone.

I was on the phone with the paramedics telling them everything that was happening. They commended me to being so calm during this whole situation.

Before they showed up, I gave my dad 2 baby aspirins and told him to chew them. Sadly I only knew of this because of watching too much CSI and NCIS, that if someone is having a heart attack give them aspirin to slow it down. I knew me being glued to the TV would pay off someday. I also got my grandpas nitro spray, which he had from the hospital in case he ever had another heart attack. I told my dad to open his mouth and I sprayed 2 sprays under his tongue. He told my mom to grab a few things before the ambulance got there. Then he said grab my new sneakers, I said “Why the hell do you need new sneakers, you’re going to a fucking hospital you idiot” he replied “Well what if I have a good looking nurse, I need to look good” as he tried to laugh but couldn’t mister up the energy so he just threw a big smile instead trying to lighten the situation.

The ambulance showed up in a record 2 minutes to the house but it felt like it took forever. They came in asking him 1000 questions. But all I heard was “When did this start sir” and he said about 8 weeks ago. I turned around and screamed “8 weeks!! That’s when we got fired from work!, you mean to tell me you didn’t have a panic attack you were having a fucking heart attack, Jesus Christ” Harry grabbed my hand and rubbed my back trying to calm me down, but you could feel the heat radiating off of me how angry I was.

 I told the paramedics I gave him 2- 225mg aspirin and 2- 500mg sprays of nitro right away. They were very pleased I was quick on my feet. They said I was a huge help to keep him calm as well. They walked him to the ambulance, and hooked him up to IV’s right away and the EKG machine.

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