Chapter 6

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Knowing I had about 2 hours to kill on my way to Atlanta after my stop over to Ohio, I tried to keep myself calm. I had a window seat so I was able to watch the sky under and see the beautiful clouds floating right passed me. I noticed the flight was pretty empty as well. That made the flight a little easier to enjoy, I hate packed flights. Well I also hate flying, so it actually helped more than people know. I started thinking about how terrible I felt I wasn’t home to see Harry. We were both so happy to hang out again tonight with Ali and Niall. It felt good to be wanted, especially after the wonderful night we had previously. I’m in awe of how respectful he was. Just the thought of him put a smile on my face and I could feel myself blushing with my head leaning on the window. I lowered the shade a little bit to block the sun from shining in my face. I really hope Ali told Harry what happened and that he wasn’t mad at me. I mean how could he be mad at me? It’s a family emergency. Right? I mean “technically” he can be mad because I didn’t tell him myself, I could’ve texted him while waiting in the airport in NY, but I didn’t. I’ll call him the second I land so I can apologize. Hopefully he can stay calm about everything; he still doesn’t know anything that has happened in the past year with my family, or the event leading up to everything and why I lived in my house with my best friend. While thinking about all of this I dozed off for a little while. Everything just happened so fast today I think my body finally caught up with my brain. I was woken up by the flight attendant saying we were getting ready to land so I had to put my seat back in the upright position. I stretched and thanked her and did what she said. The landing was very smooth and we exited the plane single file. The walk was so long to the exit of the airport, it takes about 15-20 to get to the parking lot so went to Starbucks to get an iced caramel macchiato I figured I was going to need as much caffeine as possible, not knowing what I was walking into when I get to my parent’s house. 

Harry’s POV

I had no words for what had happened so far today. The past few hours felt like a bIur. I don’t know why Kendall didn’t tell me she had to leave right away, she could’ve called or texted me. Ali said she waited at least an hour before he boarded her flight. I got an iced coffee to cool me off noticing the sun was shining at its highest point and I could see the waves from the heat beating down on the streets. I was also feeling a bit anxious, because I didn’t know how to even bring this up in conversation with her or what her reaction would be. I obviously care what is going on, and I’m sure she will tell me more about it once she finds out more from her mom. I just hope nothing else happens. I wish she was home safe and happy with me. Could I even be mad at her for this? It’s not like she had a choice in the matter. But if she cared about me you think she would’ve mentioned something, anything. I guess she will have plenty of time to talk to me once she lands. I got a piece of paper from a notebook I grabbed and wrote her a note on it so she would know it was me I didn’t have much time to waste. I was walking down this long hallway with floor to ceiling windows, I never thought I’d think architecture of a place like this would be beautiful but it was. I didn’t know where I was going but I just followed the signs and the people. Once I was at the top, I saw other people waiting and I figured this was where arriving flights came in from American Airlines. My heart was beating so fast and my palms were so sweaty, but I was getting somewhat of a reaction from the back of my sign I was holding up. There were random girls and grandmas coming up to me saying “I hope you get the girl” and “Good luck” which now was making me even more nervous. The wait was killing me. There she was, her long locks flowing and aviators being used as a head band. She had on her dark wash skinny jeans rolled up at her ankles and a white tank which complemented her figure perfectly and the cutest sandals on her feet. I had the biggest smile on my face. I just hope she was okay with this.    

Ali’s POV

Well god knows what is going on with Kendall’s parents, but I do hope everything is okay. It was 2pm when I dropped her off which still left plenty of time. I called Niall right away and told him what happened. I also gave him strict instructions:

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